diwinf Subroutine

public pure subroutine diwinf(m, np, nq, msgbi, msgdi, ifix2i, istopi, nnzwi, nppi, idfi, jobi, iprini, luneri, lunrpi, nrowi, ntoli, netai, maxiti, niteri, nfevi, njevi, int2i, iranki, ldtti, boundi, liwkmn)

Get storage locations within integer work space.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: m

The number of columns of data in the independent variable.

integer, intent(in) :: np

The number of function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: nq

The number of responses per observation.

integer, intent(out) :: msgbi

The starting location in array iwork of array msgb.

integer, intent(out) :: msgdi

The starting location in array iwork of array msgd.

integer, intent(out) :: ifix2i

The starting location in array iwork of array ifix2.

integer, intent(out) :: istopi

The location in array iwork of variable istop.

integer, intent(out) :: nnzwi

The location in array iwork of variable nnzw.

integer, intent(out) :: nppi

The location in array iwork of variable npp.

integer, intent(out) :: idfi

The location in array iwork of variable idf.

integer, intent(out) :: jobi

The location in array iwork of variable job.

integer, intent(out) :: iprini

The location in array iwork of variable iprint.

integer, intent(out) :: luneri

The location in array iwork of variable lunerr.

integer, intent(out) :: lunrpi

The location in array iwork of variable lunrpt.

integer, intent(out) :: nrowi

The location in array iwork of variable nrow.

integer, intent(out) :: ntoli

The location in array iwork of variable ntol.

integer, intent(out) :: netai

The location in array iwork of variable neta.

integer, intent(out) :: maxiti

The location in array iwork of variable maxit.

integer, intent(out) :: niteri

The location in array iwork of variable niter.

integer, intent(out) :: nfevi

The location in array iwork of variable nfev.

integer, intent(out) :: njevi

The location in array iwork of variable njev.

integer, intent(out) :: int2i

The location in array iwork of variable int2.

integer, intent(out) :: iranki

The location in array iwork of variable irank.

integer, intent(out) :: ldtti

The location in array iwork of variable ldtt.

integer, intent(out) :: boundi

The location in array iwork of variable bound.

integer, intent(out) :: liwkmn

The minimum acceptable length of array iwork.

Called by

proc~~diwinf~~CalledByGraph proc~diwinf diwinf proc~dacces dacces proc~dacces->proc~diwinf proc~diwinf_c diwinf_c proc~diwinf_c->proc~diwinf proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~diwinf proc~dodmn dodmn proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~dodmn->proc~dacces proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr

Source Code

   pure subroutine diwinf &
      (m, np, nq, &
       msgbi, msgdi, ifix2i, istopi, &
       nnzwi, nppi, idfi, &
       jobi, iprini, luneri, lunrpi, &
       nrowi, ntoli, netai, &
       maxiti, niteri, nfevi, njevi, int2i, iranki, ldtti, &
       boundi, &
   !! Get storage locations within integer work space.
      ! Routines Called  (NONE)
      ! Date Written   860529   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920304   (YYMMDD)

      integer, intent(in) :: m
         !! The number of columns of data in the independent variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: np
         !! The number of function parameters.
      integer, intent(in) :: nq
         !! The number of responses per observation.
      integer, intent(out) :: msgbi
         !! The starting location in array `iwork` of array `msgb`.
      integer, intent(out) :: msgdi
         !! The starting location in array `iwork` of array `msgd`.
      integer, intent(out) :: ifix2i
         !! The starting location in array `iwork` of array `ifix2`.
      integer, intent(out) :: istopi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `istop`.
      integer, intent(out) :: nnzwi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `nnzw`.
      integer, intent(out) :: nppi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `npp`.
      integer, intent(out) :: idfi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `idf`.
      integer, intent(out) :: jobi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `job`.
      integer, intent(out) :: iprini
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `iprint`.
      integer, intent(out) :: luneri
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `lunerr`.
      integer, intent(out) :: lunrpi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `lunrpt`.
      integer, intent(out) :: nrowi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `nrow`.
      integer, intent(out) :: ntoli
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `ntol`.
      integer, intent(out) :: netai
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `neta`.
      integer, intent(out) :: maxiti
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `maxit`.
      integer, intent(out) :: niteri
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `niter`.
      integer, intent(out) :: nfevi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `nfev`.
      integer, intent(out) :: njevi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `njev`.
      integer, intent(out) :: int2i
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `int2`.
      integer, intent(out) :: iranki
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `irank`.
      integer, intent(out) :: ldtti
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `ldtt`.
      integer, intent(out) :: boundi
         !! The location in array `iwork` of variable `bound`.
      integer, intent(out) :: liwkmn
         !! The minimum acceptable length of array `iwork`.

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  IDFI:    The location in array IWORK of variable IDF.
      !  IFIX2I:  The starting location in array IWORK of array IFIX2.
      !  INT2I:   The location in array IWORK of variable INT2.
      !  IPRINI:  The location in array IWORK of variable IPRINT.
      !  IRANKI:  The location in array IWORK of variable IRANK.
      !  ISTOPI:  The location in array IWORK of variable ISTOP.
      !  JOBI:    The location in array IWORK of variable JOB.
      !  LDTTI:   The location in array IWORK of variable LDTT.
      !  LIWKMN:  The minimum acceptable length of array IWORK.
      !  LUNERI:  The location in array IWORK of variable LUNERR.
      !  LUNRPI:  The location in array IWORK of variable LUNRPT.
      !  M:       The number of columns of data in the independent variable.
      !  MAXITI:  The location in array iwork of variable MAXIT.
      !  MSGBI:   The starting location in array IWORK of array MSGB.
      !  MSGDI:   The starting location in array IWORK of array MSGD.
      !  NETAI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NETA.
      !  NFEVI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NFEV.
      !  NITERI:  The location in array IWORK of variabel NITER.
      !  NJEVI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NJEV.
      !  NNZWI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NNZW.
      !  NP:      The number of function parameters.
      !  NPPI:    The location in array IWORK of variable NPP.
      !  NQ:      The number of responses per observation.
      !  NROWI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NROW.
      !  NTOLI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NTOL.

      if (np >= 1 .and. m >= 1) then
         msgbi = 1
         msgdi = msgbi + nq*np + 1
         ifix2i = msgdi + nq*m + 1
         istopi = ifix2i + np
         nnzwi = istopi + 1
         nppi = nnzwi + 1
         idfi = nppi + 1
         jobi = idfi + 1
         iprini = jobi + 1
         luneri = iprini + 1
         lunrpi = luneri + 1
         nrowi = lunrpi + 1
         ntoli = nrowi + 1
         netai = ntoli + 1
         maxiti = netai + 1
         niteri = maxiti + 1
         nfevi = niteri + 1
         njevi = nfevi + 1
         int2i = njevi + 1
         iranki = int2i + 1
         ldtti = iranki + 1
         boundi = ldtti + 1
         liwkmn = boundi + np - 1
         msgbi = 1
         msgdi = 1
         ifix2i = 1
         istopi = 1
         nnzwi = 1
         nppi = 1
         idfi = 1
         jobi = 1
         iprini = 1
         luneri = 1
         lunrpi = 1
         nrowi = 1
         ntoli = 1
         netai = 1
         maxiti = 1
         niteri = 1
         nfevi = 1
         njevi = 1
         int2i = 1
         iranki = 1
         ldtti = 1
         boundi = 1
         liwkmn = 1
      end if

   end subroutine diwinf