
ProgramSource FileDescription
example1 example1.f90

Explicit ODR job, with user-supplied analytic derivatives and nondefault ifixx.

example2 example2.f90

Implicit ODR job.

example3 example3.f90

Explicit ODR job, with parameter bounds, weights, delta initialized by user, and central difference derivatives.

example4 example4.f90

Default ODR job, with parameter bounds. This sample problem comes from Zwolak et al. 2001 (High Performance Computing Symposium, "Estimating rate constants in cell cycle models"). The call to ODRPACK95 is modified from the call the authors make to ODRPACK. This is done to illustrate the need for bounds. The authors could just have easily used the call statement here to solve their problem. Curious users are encouraged to remove the bounds in the call statement, run the code, and compare the results to the current call statement.

example5 example5.f90

Explicit ODR job, with parameter bounds, user-supplied derivatives, and output of work arrays.