
ProcedureLocationProcedure TypeDescription
close_file odrpack_capi Subroutine

Close a file associated with a specified logical unit number.

dacces odrpack_core Subroutine

Access or store values in the work arrays.

dasum blas_interfaces Interface
daxpy blas_interfaces Interface
dcopy blas_interfaces Interface
ddot blas_interfaces Interface
derstep odrpack_core Function

Compute step size for center and forward difference calculations.

desubi odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute e = wd + alpha*tt**2.

detaf odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute noise and number of good digits in function results.

devjac odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute the weighted Jacobians wrt beta and delta.

dfctr odrpack_core Subroutine

Factor the positive (semi)definite matrix a using a modified Cholesky factorization.

dfctrw odrpack_core Subroutine

Check input parameters, indicating errors found using nonzero values of argument info as described in the ODRPACK95 reference guide.

dflags odrpack_core Subroutine

Set flags indicating conditions specified by job.

dhstep odrpack_core Function

Set relative step size for finite difference derivatives.

difix odrpack_core Subroutine

Set elements of t to zero according to ifix.

diniwk odrpack_core Subroutine

Initialize work vectors as necessary.

diwinf odrpack_core Subroutine

Get storage locations within integer work space.

diwinf_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

Get storage locations within integer work space.

djaccd odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute central difference approximations to the Jacobian wrt the estimated betas and wrt the deltas.

djacfd odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute forward difference approximations to the Jacobian wrt the estimated betas and wrt the deltas.

djck odrpack_core Subroutine

Driver routine for the derivative checking process.

djckc odrpack_core Subroutine

Check whether high curvature could be the cause of the disagreement between the numerical and analytic derviatives.

djckf odrpack_core Subroutine

Check whether finite precision arithmetic could be the cause of the disagreement between the derivatives.

djckm odrpack_core Subroutine

Check user supplied analytic derivatives against numerical derivatives.

djckz odrpack_core Subroutine

Recheck the derivatives in the case where the finite difference derivative disagrees with the analytic derivative and the analytic derivative is zero.

dnrm2 blas_interfaces Interface
dodchk odrpack_core Subroutine

Check input parameters, indicating errors found using nonzero values of argument info.

dodcnt odrpack Subroutine

Driver routine for finding the weighted explicit or implicit orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS) solution.

doddrv odrpack Subroutine

Perform error checking and initialization, and begin procedure for performing orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS).

dodlm odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute Levenberg-Marquardt parameter and steps s and t using analog of the trust-region Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.

dodmn odrpack Subroutine

Iteratively compute least squares solution.

dodpc1 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Generate initial summary report.

dodpc2 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Generate iteration reports.

dodpc3 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Generate final summary report.

dodpcr odrpack_reports Subroutine

Generate computation reports.

dodpe1 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Print error reports.

dodpe2 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Generate the derivative checking report.

dodpe3 odrpack_reports Subroutine

Print error reports indicating that computations were stopped in user-supplied subroutine fcn.

dodper odrpack_reports Subroutine

Controlling routine for printing error reports.

dodphd odrpack_reports Subroutine

Print report heading.

dodstp odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute locally constrained steps s and t, and phi(alpha).

dodvcv odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute covariance matrix of estimated parameters.

dpack odrpack_core Subroutine

Select the unfixed elements of v2 and return them in v1.

dppnml odrpack_core Function

Compute the percent point function value for the normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and with probability density function:

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dppt odrpack_core Function

Compute the percent point function value for the student's T distribution with idf degrees of freedom.

dpvb odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute the nrow-th function value using beta(j) + stp.

dpvd odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute nrow-th function value using x(nrow, j) + delta(nrow, j) + stp.

drot blas_interfaces Interface
drotg blas_interfaces Interface
dscal blas_interfaces Interface
dscale odrpack_core Subroutine

Scale t by the inverse of scl, i.e., compute t/scl.

dsclb odrpack_core Subroutine

Select scaling values for beta according to the algorithm given in the ODRPACK95 reference guide.

dscld odrpack_core Subroutine

Select scaling values for delta according to the algorithm given in the ODRPACK95 reference guide.

dsetn odrpack_core Subroutine

Select the row at which the derivative will be checked.

dsolve odrpack_core Subroutine

Solve systems of the form:

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dswap blas_interfaces Interface
dunpac odrpack_core Subroutine

Copy the elements of v1 into the locations of v2 which are unfixed.

dvevtr odrpack_core Subroutine

Compute v*e*trans(v) for the (indx)th m by nq array in v.

dwght odrpack_core Subroutine

Scale matrix t using wt, i.e., compute wtt = wt*t.

dwinf odrpack_core Subroutine

Get storage locations within REAL (wp) work space.

dwinf_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

Get storage locations within real work space.

fcn example2_model Subroutine

User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.

fcn example5_model Subroutine

User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.

fcn example3_model Subroutine

User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.

fcn example1_model Subroutine

User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.

fcn example4_model Subroutine
idamax blas_interfaces Interface
mbfb odrpack_core Subroutine

Ensure range of bounds is large enough for derivative checking. Move beta away from bounds so that derivatives can be calculated.

mpf example4_model Subroutine

If ROOT is not zero then returns value of time when M==ROOT in TOUT. Else, runs until TOUT and returns value in M. If PRINT_EVERY is non-zero then the solution is printed every PRINT_EVERY time units or every H (which ever is greater).

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odr odrpack Subroutine

Driver routine for finding the weighted explicit or implicit orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS) solution.

odr_long_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

"Long-call" wrapper for the odr routine including all optional arguments.

odr_medium_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

"Medium-call" wrapper for the odr routine including most commonly used optional arguments.

odr_short_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

"Short-call" wrapper for the odr routine including very few optional arguments.

open_file odrpack_capi Subroutine

Open a new file associated with a specified logical unit number.

strlen odrpack_capi Interface
workspace_dimensions odrpack Subroutine

Calculate the dimensions of the workspace arrays.

workspace_dimensions_c odrpack_capi Subroutine

Calculate the dimensions of the workspace arrays.

call~~graph~~CallGraph interface~dasum dasum interface~daxpy daxpy interface~dcopy dcopy interface~ddot ddot interface~dnrm2 dnrm2 interface~drot drot interface~drotg drotg interface~dscal dscal interface~dswap dswap interface~idamax idamax interface~strlen strlen none~dmdt dmdt proc~close_file close_file proc~dacces dacces proc~diwinf diwinf proc~dacces->proc~diwinf proc~dwinf dwinf proc~dacces->proc~dwinf proc~derstep derstep proc~dhstep dhstep proc~derstep->proc~dhstep proc~desubi desubi proc~detaf detaf proc~devjac devjac proc~devjac->interface~ddot proc~difix difix proc~devjac->proc~difix proc~djaccd djaccd proc~devjac->proc~djaccd proc~djacfd djacfd proc~devjac->proc~djacfd proc~dunpac dunpac proc~devjac->proc~dunpac proc~dwght dwght proc~devjac->proc~dwght proc~dfctr dfctr proc~dfctr->interface~ddot proc~dfctrw dfctrw proc~dfctrw->proc~dfctr proc~dflags dflags proc~diniwk diniwk proc~diniwk->interface~dcopy proc~diniwk->proc~dflags proc~dsclb dsclb proc~diniwk->proc~dsclb proc~dscld dscld proc~diniwk->proc~dscld proc~diwinf_c diwinf_c proc~diwinf_c->proc~diwinf proc~djaccd->proc~derstep proc~djaccd->proc~dhstep proc~djacfd->proc~derstep proc~djacfd->proc~dhstep proc~djck djck proc~djck->proc~dhstep proc~djckm djckm proc~djck->proc~djckm proc~djckc djckc proc~djckf djckf proc~djckc->proc~djckf proc~dpvb dpvb proc~djckc->proc~dpvb proc~dpvd dpvd proc~djckc->proc~dpvd proc~djckf->proc~dpvb proc~djckf->proc~dpvd proc~djckm->proc~djckc proc~djckz djckz proc~djckm->proc~djckz proc~djckm->proc~dpvb proc~djckm->proc~dpvd proc~djckz->proc~dpvb proc~djckz->proc~dpvd proc~dodchk dodchk proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~doddrv doddrv proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~doddrv->interface~dcopy proc~doddrv->interface~ddot proc~doddrv->interface~dnrm2 proc~doddrv->proc~derstep proc~doddrv->proc~detaf proc~doddrv->proc~dfctrw proc~doddrv->proc~dflags proc~doddrv->proc~diniwk proc~doddrv->proc~diwinf proc~doddrv->proc~djck proc~doddrv->proc~dodchk proc~dodmn dodmn proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodper dodper proc~doddrv->proc~dodper proc~dpack dpack proc~doddrv->proc~dpack proc~dsetn dsetn proc~doddrv->proc~dsetn proc~doddrv->proc~dunpac proc~doddrv->proc~dwght proc~doddrv->proc~dwinf proc~mbfb mbfb proc~doddrv->proc~mbfb proc~dodlm dodlm proc~dodlm->interface~ddot proc~dodlm->interface~dnrm2 proc~dodstp dodstp proc~dodlm->proc~dodstp proc~dscale dscale proc~dodlm->proc~dscale proc~dodlm->proc~dwght proc~dodmn->interface~dcopy proc~dodmn->interface~ddot proc~dodmn->interface~dnrm2 proc~dodmn->proc~dacces proc~dodmn->proc~devjac proc~dodmn->proc~dflags proc~dodmn->proc~dodlm proc~dodpcr dodpcr proc~dodmn->proc~dodpcr proc~dodvcv dodvcv proc~dodmn->proc~dodvcv proc~dodmn->proc~dpack proc~dodmn->proc~dunpac proc~dodmn->proc~dwght proc~dodpc1 dodpc1 proc~dodpc1->proc~dhstep proc~dodpc2 dodpc2 proc~dodpc3 dodpc3 proc~dppt dppt proc~dodpc3->proc~dppt proc~dodpcr->proc~dflags proc~dodpcr->proc~dodpc1 proc~dodpcr->proc~dodpc2 proc~dodpcr->proc~dodpc3 proc~dodphd dodphd proc~dodpcr->proc~dodphd proc~dodpe1 dodpe1 proc~dodpe2 dodpe2 proc~dodpe3 dodpe3 proc~dodper->proc~dodpe1 proc~dodper->proc~dodpe2 proc~dodper->proc~dodpe3 proc~dodper->proc~dodphd proc~dodstp->interface~dnrm2 proc~dodstp->interface~drot proc~dodstp->interface~drotg proc~dodstp->interface~idamax proc~dodstp->proc~desubi proc~dodstp->proc~dfctr proc~dsolve dsolve proc~dodstp->proc~dsolve proc~dvevtr dvevtr proc~dodstp->proc~dvevtr proc~dodstp->proc~dwght dchex dchex proc~dodstp->dchex dqrdc dqrdc proc~dodstp->dqrdc dqrsl dqrsl proc~dodstp->dqrsl dtrco dtrco proc~dodstp->dtrco dtrsl dtrsl proc~dodstp->dtrsl proc~dodvcv->proc~dodstp dpodi dpodi proc~dodvcv->dpodi proc~dpack->interface~dcopy proc~dppnml dppnml proc~dppt->proc~dppnml proc~dsolve->interface~daxpy proc~dsolve->interface~ddot proc~dunpac->interface~dcopy proc~dvevtr->proc~dsolve proc~dwinf_c dwinf_c proc~dwinf_c->proc~dwinf proc~fcn fcn proc~fcn~2 fcn proc~fcn~3 fcn proc~fcn~4 fcn proc~fcn~5 fcn proc~mpf mpf proc~fcn~5->proc~mpf proc~mbfb->proc~dhstep proc~mpf->none~dmdt proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr->proc~dodpe1 proc~odr->proc~dodphd proc~workspace_dimensions workspace_dimensions proc~odr->proc~workspace_dimensions proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr proc~open_file open_file proc~open_file->interface~strlen proc~workspace_dimensions_c workspace_dimensions_c proc~workspace_dimensions_c->proc~workspace_dimensions program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr