Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
close_file | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | Close a file associated with a specified logical unit number. |
dacces | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Access or store values in the work arrays. |
dasum | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
daxpy | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
dcopy | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
ddot | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
derstep | odrpack_core | Function | Compute step size for center and forward difference calculations. |
desubi | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute |
detaf | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute noise and number of good digits in function results. |
devjac | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute the weighted Jacobians wrt |
dfctr | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Factor the positive (semi)definite matrix |
dfctrw | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Check input parameters, indicating errors found using nonzero values of argument |
dflags | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Set flags indicating conditions specified by |
dhstep | odrpack_core | Function | Set relative step size for finite difference derivatives. |
difix | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Set elements of |
diniwk | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Initialize work vectors as necessary. |
diwinf | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Get storage locations within integer work space. |
diwinf_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | Get storage locations within integer work space. |
djaccd | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute central difference approximations to the Jacobian wrt the estimated |
djacfd | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute forward difference approximations to the Jacobian wrt the estimated |
djck | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Driver routine for the derivative checking process. |
djckc | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Check whether high curvature could be the cause of the disagreement between the numerical and analytic derviatives. |
djckf | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Check whether finite precision arithmetic could be the cause of the disagreement between the derivatives. |
djckm | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Check user supplied analytic derivatives against numerical derivatives. |
djckz | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Recheck the derivatives in the case where the finite difference derivative disagrees with the analytic derivative and the analytic derivative is zero. |
dnrm2 | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
dodchk | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Check input parameters, indicating errors found using nonzero values of argument |
dodcnt | odrpack | Subroutine | Driver routine for finding the weighted explicit or implicit orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS) solution. |
doddrv | odrpack | Subroutine | Perform error checking and initialization, and begin procedure for performing orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS). |
dodlm | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute Levenberg-Marquardt parameter and steps |
dodmn | odrpack | Subroutine | Iteratively compute least squares solution. |
dodpc1 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Generate initial summary report. |
dodpc2 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Generate iteration reports. |
dodpc3 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Generate final summary report. |
dodpcr | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Generate computation reports. |
dodpe1 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Print error reports. |
dodpe2 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Generate the derivative checking report. |
dodpe3 | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Print error reports indicating that computations were stopped in user-supplied
subroutine |
dodper | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Controlling routine for printing error reports. |
dodphd | odrpack_reports | Subroutine | Print report heading. |
dodstp | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute locally constrained steps |
dodvcv | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute covariance matrix of estimated parameters. |
dpack | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Select the unfixed elements of |
dppnml | odrpack_core | Function | Compute the percent point function value for the normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and with probability density function: |
dppt | odrpack_core | Function | Compute the percent point function value for the student's T distribution with |
dpvb | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute the |
dpvd | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute |
drot | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
drotg | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
dscal | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
dscale | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Scale |
dsclb | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Select scaling values for |
dscld | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Select scaling values for |
dsetn | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Select the row at which the derivative will be checked. |
dsolve | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Solve systems of the form: |
dswap | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
dunpac | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Copy the elements of |
dvevtr | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Compute |
dwght | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Scale matrix |
dwinf | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Get storage locations within REAL (wp) work space. |
dwinf_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | Get storage locations within real work space. |
fcn | example2_model | Subroutine | User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model. |
fcn | example5_model | Subroutine | User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model. |
fcn | example3_model | Subroutine | User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model. |
fcn | example1_model | Subroutine | User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model. |
fcn | example4_model | Subroutine | |
idamax | blas_interfaces | Interface | |
mbfb | odrpack_core | Subroutine | Ensure range of bounds is large enough for derivative checking. Move beta away from bounds so that derivatives can be calculated. |
mpf | example4_model | Subroutine | If ROOT is not zero then returns value of time when M==ROOT in TOUT. Else, runs until TOUT and returns value in M. If PRINT_EVERY is non-zero then the solution is printed every PRINT_EVERY time units or every H (which ever is greater). |
odr | odrpack | Subroutine | Driver routine for finding the weighted explicit or implicit orthogonal distance regression (ODR) or ordinary linear or nonlinear least squares (OLS) solution. |
odr_long_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | "Long-call" wrapper for the |
odr_medium_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | "Medium-call" wrapper for the |
odr_short_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | "Short-call" wrapper for the |
open_file | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | Open a new file associated with a specified logical unit number. |
strlen | odrpack_capi | Interface | |
workspace_dimensions | odrpack | Subroutine | Calculate the dimensions of the workspace arrays. |
workspace_dimensions_c | odrpack_capi | Subroutine | Calculate the dimensions of the workspace arrays. |