dacces Subroutine

public pure subroutine dacces(n, m, np, nq, ldwe, ld2we, work, lwork, iwork, liwork, access, isodr, jpvt, omega, u, qraux, sd, vcv, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk4, wrk5, wrk6, nnzw, npp, job, partol, sstol, maxit, taufac, eta, neta, lunrpt, ipr1, ipr2, ipr2f, ipr3, wss, rvar, idf, tau, alpha, niter, nfev, njev, int2, olmavg, rcond, irank, actrs, pnorm, prers, rnorms, istop)

Access or store values in the work arrays.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

The number of observations.

integer, intent(in) :: m

The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.

integer, intent(in) :: np

The number of function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: nq

The number of responses per observation.

integer, intent(in) :: ldwe

The leading dimension of array we.

integer, intent(in) :: ld2we

The second dimension of array we.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: work(lwork)

The real work space.

integer, intent(in) :: lwork

The length of vector work.

integer, intent(inout) :: iwork(liwork)

The integer work space.

integer, intent(in) :: liwork

The length of vector iwork.

logical, intent(in) :: access

The variable designating whether information is to be accessed from the work arrays (access = .true.) or stored in them (access = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: isodr

The variable designating whether the solution is to be found by ODR (isodr = .true.) or by OLS (isodr = .false.).

integer, intent(out) :: jpvt

The pivot vector.

integer, intent(out) :: omega

The starting location in array work of array omega.

integer, intent(out) :: u

The starting location in array work of array u.

integer, intent(out) :: qraux

The starting location in array work of array qraux.

integer, intent(out) :: sd

The starting location in array work of array sd.

integer, intent(out) :: vcv

The starting location in array work of array vcv.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk1

The starting location in array work of array wrk1.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk2

The starting location in array work of array wrk2.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk3

The starting location in array work of array wrk3.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk4

The starting location in array work of array wrk4.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk5

The starting location in array work of array wrk5.

integer, intent(out) :: wrk6

The starting location in array work of array wrk6.

integer, intent(out) :: nnzw

The number of nonzero weighted observations.

integer, intent(out) :: npp

The number of function parameters actually estimated.

integer, intent(out) :: job

The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: partol

The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: sstol

The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.

integer, intent(out) :: maxit

The maximum number of iterations allowed.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: taufac

The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: eta

The relative noise in the function results.

integer, intent(out) :: neta

The number of accurate digits in the function results.

integer, intent(out) :: lunrpt

The logical unit number used for computation reports.

integer, intent(out) :: ipr1

The value of the fourth digit (from the right) of iprint, which controls the initial summary report.

integer, intent(out) :: ipr2

The value of the third digit (from the right) of iprint, which controls the iteration reports.

integer, intent(out) :: ipr2f

The value of the second digit (from the right) of iprint, which controls the frequency of the iteration reports.

integer, intent(out) :: ipr3

The value of the first digit (from the right) of iprint, which controls the final summary report.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: wss(3)

The sum of the squares of the weighted epsilons and deltas, the sum of the squares of the weighted deltas, and the sum of the squares of the weighted epsilons.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: rvar

The residual variance, i.e. the standard deviation squared.

integer, intent(inout) :: idf

The degrees of freedom of the fit, equal to the number of observations with nonzero weighted derivatives minus the number of parameters being estimated.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: tau

The trust region diameter.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: alpha

The Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.

integer, intent(inout) :: niter

The number of iterations taken.

integer, intent(inout) :: nfev

The number of function evaluations.

integer, intent(inout) :: njev

The number of Jacobian evaluations.

integer, intent(inout) :: int2

The number of internal doubling steps.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: olmavg

The average number of Levenberg-Marquardt steps per iteration.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: rcond

The approximate reciprocal condition of fjacb.

integer, intent(inout) :: irank

The rank deficiency of the Jacobian wrt beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: actrs

The saved actual relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: pnorm

The norm of the scaled estimated parameters.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: prers

The saved predicted relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: rnorms

The norm of the saved weighted epsilons and deltas.

integer, intent(inout) :: istop

The variable designating whether there are problems computing the function at the current beta and delta.


proc~~dacces~~CallsGraph proc~dacces dacces proc~diwinf diwinf proc~dacces->proc~diwinf proc~dwinf dwinf proc~dacces->proc~dwinf

Called by

proc~~dacces~~CalledByGraph proc~dacces dacces proc~dodmn dodmn proc~dodmn->proc~dacces proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: actrsi
integer, public :: alphai
integer, public :: betaci
integer, public :: betani
integer, public :: betasi
integer, public :: beta0i
integer, public :: boundi
integer, public :: deltai
integer, public :: deltni
integer, public :: deltsi
integer, public :: diffi
integer, public :: epsi
integer, public :: epsmai
integer, public :: etai
integer, public :: fjacbi
integer, public :: fjacdi
integer, public :: fni
integer, public :: fsi
integer, public :: idfi
integer, public :: int2i
integer, public :: iprini
integer, public :: iprint
integer, public :: iranki
integer, public :: istopi
integer, public :: jobi
integer, public :: jpvti
integer, public :: ldtti
integer, public :: liwkmn
integer, public :: loweri
integer, public :: luneri
integer, public :: lunrpi
integer, public :: lwkmn
integer, public :: maxiti
integer, public :: msgb
integer, public :: msgd
integer, public :: netai
integer, public :: nfevi
integer, public :: niteri
integer, public :: njevi
integer, public :: nnzwi
integer, public :: nppi
integer, public :: nrowi
integer, public :: ntoli
integer, public :: olmavi
integer, public :: omegai
integer, public :: partli
integer, public :: pnormi
integer, public :: prersi
integer, public :: qrauxi
integer, public :: rcondi
integer, public :: rnorsi
integer, public :: rvari
integer, public :: sdi
integer, public :: si
integer, public :: ssfi
integer, public :: ssi
integer, public :: sstoli
integer, public :: taufci
integer, public :: taui
integer, public :: ti
integer, public :: tti
integer, public :: ui
integer, public :: upperi
integer, public :: vcvi
integer, public :: we1i
integer, public :: wrk1i
integer, public :: wrk2i
integer, public :: wrk3i
integer, public :: wrk4i
integer, public :: wrk5i
integer, public :: wrk6i
integer, public :: wrk7i
integer, public :: wssi
integer, public :: wssdei
integer, public :: wssepi
integer, public :: xplusi

Source Code

   pure subroutine dacces &
      (n, m, np, nq, ldwe, ld2we, &
       work, lwork, iwork, liwork, &
       access, isodr, &
       jpvt, omega, u, qraux, sd, vcv, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk4, wrk5, wrk6, &
       nnzw, npp, &
       job, partol, sstol, maxit, taufac, eta, neta, &
       lunrpt, ipr1, ipr2, ipr2f, ipr3, &
       wss, rvar, idf, &
       tau, alpha, niter, nfev, njev, int2, olmavg, &
       rcond, irank, actrs, pnorm, prers, rnorms, istop)
   !! Access or store values in the work arrays.
      ! Routines Called  DIWINF, DWINF
      ! Date Written   860529   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920619   (YYMMDD)

      integer, intent(in) :: n
         !! The number of observations.
      integer, intent(in) :: m
         !! The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: np
         !! The number of function parameters.
      integer, intent(in) :: nq
         !! The number of responses per observation.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldwe
         !! The leading dimension of array `we`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ld2we
         !! The second dimension of array `we`.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: work(lwork)
         !! The real work space.
      integer, intent(in) :: lwork
         !! The length of vector `work`.
      integer, intent(inout) :: iwork(liwork)
         !! The integer work space.
      integer, intent(in) :: liwork
         !! The length of vector `iwork`.
      logical, intent(in) :: access
         !! The variable designating whether information is to be accessed from the work
         !! arrays (`access = .true.`) or stored in them (`access = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: isodr
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is to be found by ODR (`isodr = .true.`)
         !! or by OLS (`isodr = .false.`).
      integer, intent(out) :: jpvt
         !! The pivot vector.
      integer, intent(out) :: omega
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `omega`.
      integer, intent(out) :: u
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `u`.
      integer, intent(out) :: qraux
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `qraux`.
      integer, intent(out) :: sd
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `sd`.
      integer, intent(out) :: vcv
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `vcv`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk1
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk1`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk2
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk2`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk3
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk3`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk4
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk4`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk5
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk5`.
      integer, intent(out) :: wrk6
         !! The starting location in array `work` of array `wrk6`.
      integer, intent(out) :: nnzw
         !! The number of nonzero weighted observations.
      integer, intent(out) :: npp
         !! The number of function parameters actually estimated.
      integer, intent(out) :: job
         !! The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: partol
         !! The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: sstol
         !! The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.
      integer, intent(out) :: maxit
         !! The maximum number of iterations allowed.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: taufac
         !! The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: eta
         !! The relative noise in the function results.
      integer, intent(out) :: neta
         !! The number of accurate digits in the function results.
      integer, intent(out) :: lunrpt
          !! The logical unit number used for computation reports.
      integer, intent(out) :: ipr1
         !! The value of the fourth digit (from the right) of `iprint`, which controls the
         !! initial summary report.
      integer, intent(out) :: ipr2
         !! The value of the third digit (from the right) of `iprint`, which controls the
         !! iteration reports.
      integer, intent(out) :: ipr2f
         !! The value of the second digit (from the right) of `iprint`, which controls the
         !! frequency of the iteration reports.
      integer, intent(out) :: ipr3
         !! The value of the first digit (from the right) of `iprint`, which controls the final
         !! summary report.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: wss(3)
         !! The sum of the squares of the weighted `epsilons` and `deltas`, the sum of the squares
         !! of the weighted `deltas`, and the sum of the squares of the weighted `epsilons`.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: rvar
         !! The residual variance, i.e. the standard deviation squared.
      integer, intent(inout) :: idf
         !! The degrees of freedom of the fit, equal to the number of observations with nonzero
         !! weighted derivatives minus the number of parameters being estimated.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: tau
         !! The trust region diameter.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: alpha
         !! The Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.
      integer, intent(inout) :: niter
         !! The number of iterations taken.
      integer, intent(inout) :: nfev
         !! The number of function evaluations.
      integer, intent(inout) :: njev
         !! The number of Jacobian evaluations.
      integer, intent(inout) :: int2
         !! The number of internal doubling steps.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: olmavg
         !! The average number of Levenberg-Marquardt steps per iteration.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: rcond
         !! The approximate reciprocal condition of `fjacb`.
      integer, intent(inout) :: irank
         !! The rank deficiency of the Jacobian wrt `beta`.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: actrs
         !! The saved actual relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: pnorm
         !! The norm of the scaled estimated parameters.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: prers
         !! The saved predicted relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: rnorms
         !! The norm of the saved weighted `epsilons` and `deltas`.
      integer, intent(inout) :: istop
         !! The variable designating whether there are problems computing the function at the
         !! current `beta` and `delta`.

      ! Local scalars
      integer :: actrsi, alphai, betaci, betani, betasi, beta0i, boundi, deltai, deltni, deltsi, &
                 diffi, epsi, epsmai, etai, fjacbi, fjacdi, fni, fsi, idfi, int2i, iprini, &
                 iprint, iranki, istopi, jobi, jpvti, ldtti, liwkmn, loweri, luneri, lunrpi, &
                 lwkmn, maxiti, msgb, msgd, netai, nfevi, niteri, njevi, nnzwi, nppi, nrowi, &
                 ntoli, olmavi, omegai, partli, pnormi, prersi, qrauxi, rcondi, rnorsi, rvari, &
                 sdi, si, ssfi, ssi, sstoli, taufci, taui, ti, tti, ui, upperi, vcvi, we1i, &
                 wrk1i, wrk2i, wrk3i, wrk4i, wrk5i, wrk6i, wrk7i, wssi, wssdei, wssepi, xplusi

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  ACCESS:  The variable designating whether information is to be accessed from the work
      !           arrays (ACCESS=TRUE) or stored in them (ACCESS=FALSE).
      !  ACTRS:   The saved actual relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.
      !  ACTRSI:  The location in array WORK of variable ACTRS.
      !  ALPHA:   The Levenberg-Marquardt parameter.
      !  ALPHAI:  The location in array WORK of variable ALPHA.
      !  BETACI:  The starting location in array WORK of array BETAC.
      !  BETANI:  The starting location in array WORK of array BETAN.
      !  BETASI:  The starting location in array WORK of array BETAS.
      !  BETA0I:  The starting location in array WORK of array BETA0.
      !  DELTAI:  The starting location in array WORK of array DELTA.
      !  DELTNI:  The starting location in array WORK of array DELTAN.
      !  DELTSI:  The starting location in array WORK of array DELTAS.
      !  DIFFI:   The starting location in array WORK of array DIFF.
      !  EPSI:    The starting location in array WORK of array EPS.
      !  EPSMAI:  The location in array WORK of variable EPSMAC.
      !  ETA:     The relative noise in the function results.
      !  ETAI:    The location in array WORK of variable ETA.
      !  FJACBI:  The starting location in array WORK of array FJACB.
      !  FJACDI:  The starting location in array WORK of array FJACD.
      !  FNI:     The starting location in array WORK of array FN.
      !  FSI:     The starting location in array WORK of array FS.
      !  IDF:     The degrees of freedom of the fit, equal to the number of observations with
      !           nonzero weighted derivatives minus the number of parameters being estimated.
      !  IDFI:    The starting location in array IWORK of variable IDF.
      !  INT2:    The number of internal doubling steps.
      !  INT2I:   The location in array IWORK of variable INT2.
      !  IPR1:    The value of the fourth digit (from the right) of IPRINT, which controls the
      !           initial summary report.
      !  IPR2:    The value of the third digit (from the right) of IPRINT, which controls the
      !           iteration reports.
      !  IPR2F:   The value of the second digit (from the right) of IPRINT, which controls the
      !           frequency of the iteration reports.
      !  IPR3:    The value of the first digit (from the right) of IPRINT, which controls the
      !           final summary report.
      !  IPRINI:  The location in array IWORK of variable IPRINT.
      !  IPRINT:  The print control variable.
      !  IRANK:   The rank deficiency of the Jacobian wrt BETA.
      !  IRANKI:  The location in array IWORK of variable IRANK.
      !  ISODR:   The variable designating whether the solution is to be found by ODR (ISODR=TRUE)
      !           or by OLS (ISODR=FALSE).
      !  ISTOP:   The variable designating whether there are problems computing the function at
      !           the current BETA and DELTA.
      !  ISTOPI:  The location in array IWORK of variable ISTOP.
      !  IWORK:   The integer work space.
      !  JOB:     The variable controling problem initialization and computational method.
      !  JOBI:    The location in array IWORK of variable JOB.
      !  JPVT:    The pivot vector.
      !  JPVTI:   The starting location in array IWORK of variable JPVT.
      !  LDTTI:   The starting location in array IWORK of variable LDTT.
      !  LDWE:    The leading dimension of array WE.
      !  LD2WE:   The second dimension of array WE.
      !  LIWORK:  The length of vector IWORK.
      !  LUNERI:  The location in array IWORK of variable LUNERR.
      !  LUNERR:  The logical unit number used for error messages.
      !  LUNRPI:  The location in array IWORK of variable LUNRPT.
      !  LUNRPT:  The logical unit number used for computation reports.
      !  LWKMN:   The minimum acceptable length of array WORK.
      !  LWORK:   The length of vector WORK.
      !  M:       The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.
      !  MAXIT:   The maximum number of iterations allowed.
      !  MAXITI:  The location in array IWORK of variable MAXIT.
      !  MSGB:    The starting location in array IWORK of array MSGB.
      !  MSGD:    The starting location in array IWORK of array MSGD.
      !  N:       The number of observations.
      !  NETA:    The number of accurate digits in the function results.
      !  NETAI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NETA.
      !  NFEV:    The number of function evaluations.
      !  NFEVI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NFEV.
      !  NITER:   The number of iterations taken.
      !  NITERI:  The location in array IWORK of variable NITER.
      !  NJEV:    The number of Jacobian evaluations.
      !  NJEVI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NJEV.
      !  NNZW:    The number of nonzero weighted observations.
      !  NNZWI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NNZW.
      !  NP:      The number of function parameters.
      !  NPP:     The number of function parameters actually estimated.
      !  NPPI:    The location in array IWORK of variable NPP.
      !  NQ:      The number of responses per observation.
      !  NROWI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NROW.
      !  NTOLI:   The location in array IWORK of variable NTOL.
      !  OLMAVG:  The average number of Levenberg-Marquardt steps per iteration.
      !  OLMAVI:  The location in array WORK of variable OLMAVG.
      !  OMEGA:   The starting location in array WORK of array OMEGA.
      !  OMEGAI:  The starting location in array WORK of array OMEGA.
      !  PARTLI:  The location in array work of variable PARTOL.
      !  PARTOL:  The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.
      !  PNORM:   The norm of the scaled estimated parameters.
      !  PNORMI:  The location in array WORK of variable PNORM.
      !  PRERS:   The saved predicted relative reduction in the sum-of-squares.
      !  PRERSI:  The location in array WORK of variable PRERS.
      !  QRAUX:   The starting location in array WORK of array QRAUX.
      !  QRAUXI:  The starting location in array WORK of array QRAUX.
      !  RCOND:   The approximate reciprocal condition of FJACB.
      !  RCONDI:  The location in array WORK of variable RCOND.
      !  RESTRT:  The variable designating whether the call is a restart (RESTRT=TRUE) or
      !           not (RESTRT=FALSE).
      !  RNORMS:  The norm of the saved weighted EPSILONS and DELTAS.
      !  RNORSI:  The location in array WORK of variable RNORMS.
      !  RVAR:    The residual variance, i.e. standard deviation squared.
      !  RVARI:   The location in array WORK of variable RVAR.
      !  SCLB:    The scaling values used for BETA.
      !  SCLD:    The scaling values used for DELTA.
      !  SD:      The starting location in array WORK of array SD.
      !  SDI:     The starting location in array WORK of array SD.
      !  SI:      The starting location in array WORK of array S.
      !  SSFI:    The starting location in array WORK of array SSF.
      !  SSI:     The starting location in array WORK of array SS.
      !  SSTOL:   The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.
      !  SSTOLI:  The location in array WORK of variable SSTOL.
      !  TAU:     The trust region diameter.
      !  TAUFAC:  The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.
      !  TAUFCI:  The location in array WORK of variable TAUFAC.
      !  TAUI:    the location in array WORK of variable TAU.
      !  TI:      The starting location in array WORK of array T.
      !  TTI:     The starting location in array WORK of array TT.
      !  U:       The starting location in array WORK of array U.
      !  UI:      The starting location in array WORK of array U.
      !  VCV:     The starting location in array WORK of array VCV.
      !  VCVI:    The starting location in array WORK of array VCV.
      !  WE1I:    The starting location in array WORK of array WE1.
      !  WORK:    The REAL (wp) work space.
      !  WRK1:    The starting location in array WORK of array WRK1.
      !  WRK1I:   The starting location in array WORK of array WRK1.
      !  WRK2:    The starting location in array WORK of array WRK2.
      !  WRK2I:   The starting location in array WORK of array WRK2.
      !  WRK3:    The starting location in array WORK of array wrk3.
      !  WRK3I:   The starting location in array WORK of array wrk3.
      !  WRK4:    The starting location in array WORK of array wrk4.
      !  WRK4I:   The starting location in array WORK of array wrk4.
      !  WRK5:    The starting location in array WORK of array wrk5.
      !  WRK5I:   The starting location in array WORK of array wrk5.
      !  WRK6:    The starting location in array WORK of array wrk6.
      !  WRK6I:   The starting location in array WORK of array wrk6.
      !  WRK7I:   The starting location in array WORK of array wrk7.
      !  WSS:     The sum of the squares of the weighted EPSILONS and DELTAS.
      !  WSSI:    The starting location in array WORK of variable WSS(1).
      !  WSSDEI:  The starting location in array WORK of variable WSS(2).
      !  WSSEPI:  The starting location in array WORK of variable WSS(3).
      !  XPLUSI:  The starting location in array WORK of array XPLUSD.

      ! Find starting locations within integer workspace
      call diwinf(m, np, nq, &
                  msgb, msgd, jpvti, istopi, &
                  nnzwi, nppi, idfi, &
                  jobi, iprini, luneri, lunrpi, &
                  nrowi, ntoli, netai, &
                  maxiti, niteri, nfevi, njevi, int2i, iranki, ldtti, &
                  boundi, &

      ! Find starting locations within REAL work space
      call dwinf(n, m, np, nq, ldwe, ld2we, isodr, &
                 deltai, epsi, xplusi, fni, sdi, vcvi, &
                 rvari, wssi, wssdei, wssepi, rcondi, etai, &
                 olmavi, taui, alphai, actrsi, pnormi, rnorsi, prersi, &
                 partli, sstoli, taufci, epsmai, &
                 beta0i, betaci, betasi, betani, si, ssi, ssfi, qrauxi, ui, &
                 fsi, fjacbi, we1i, diffi, &
                 deltsi, deltni, ti, tti, omegai, fjacdi, &
                 wrk1i, wrk2i, wrk3i, wrk4i, wrk5i, wrk6i, wrk7i, &
                 loweri, upperi, &

      if (access) then
         ! Set starting locations for work vectors
         jpvt = jpvti
         omega = omegai
         qraux = qrauxi
         sd = sdi
         vcv = vcvi
         u = ui
         wrk1 = wrk1i
         wrk2 = wrk2i
         wrk3 = wrk3i
         wrk4 = wrk4i
         wrk5 = wrk5i
         wrk6 = wrk6i
         ! Access values from the work vectors
         actrs = work(actrsi)
         alpha = work(alphai)
         eta = work(etai)
         olmavg = work(olmavi)
         partol = work(partli)
         pnorm = work(pnormi)
         prers = work(prersi)
         rcond = work(rcondi)
         wss(1) = work(wssi)
         wss(2) = work(wssdei)
         wss(3) = work(wssepi)
         rvar = work(rvari)
         rnorms = work(rnorsi)
         sstol = work(sstoli)
         tau = work(taui)
         taufac = work(taufci)

         neta = iwork(netai)
         irank = iwork(iranki)
         job = iwork(jobi)
         lunrpt = iwork(lunrpi)
         maxit = iwork(maxiti)
         nfev = iwork(nfevi)
         niter = iwork(niteri)
         njev = iwork(njevi)
         nnzw = iwork(nnzwi)
         npp = iwork(nppi)
         idf = iwork(idfi)
         int2 = iwork(int2i)

         ! Set up print control variables
         iprint = iwork(iprini)
         ipr1 = mod(iprint, 10000)/1000
         ipr2 = mod(iprint, 1000)/100
         ipr2f = mod(iprint, 100)/10
         ipr3 = mod(iprint, 10)

         ! Store values into the work vectors
         work(actrsi) = actrs
         work(alphai) = alpha
         work(olmavi) = olmavg
         work(partli) = partol
         work(pnormi) = pnorm
         work(prersi) = prers
         work(rcondi) = rcond
         work(wssi) = wss(1)
         work(wssdei) = wss(2)
         work(wssepi) = wss(3)
         work(rvari) = rvar
         work(rnorsi) = rnorms
         work(sstoli) = sstol
         work(taui) = tau

         iwork(iranki) = irank
         iwork(istopi) = istop
         iwork(nfevi) = nfev
         iwork(niteri) = niter
         iwork(njevi) = njev
         iwork(idfi) = idf
         iwork(int2i) = int2
      end if

   end subroutine dacces