devjac Subroutine

public subroutine devjac(fcn, anajac, cdjac, n, m, np, nq, betac, beta, stpb, ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, x, ldx, delta, xplusd, stpd, ldstpd, ssf, tt, ldtt, neta, fn, stp, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk6, tempret, fjacb, isodr, fjacd, we1, ldwe, ld2we, njev, nfev, istop, info, lower, upper)


  • proc~~devjac~~UsesGraph proc~devjac devjac module~blas_interfaces blas_interfaces proc~devjac->module~blas_interfaces module~odrpack_kinds odrpack_kinds proc~devjac->module~odrpack_kinds module~blas_interfaces->module~odrpack_kinds iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~odrpack_kinds->iso_fortran_env

Compute the weighted Jacobians wrt beta and delta.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
procedure(fcn_t) :: fcn

The user-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.

logical, intent(in) :: anajac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences (anajac = .false.) or not (anajac = .true.).

logical, intent(in) :: cdjac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences (cdjac = .true.) or by forward differences (cdjac = .false.).

integer, intent(in) :: n

The number of observations.

integer, intent(in) :: m

The number of columns of data in the independent variable.

integer, intent(in) :: np

The number of function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: nq

The number of responses per observation.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: betac(np)

The current estimated values of the unfixed betas.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: beta(np)

The function parameters.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: stpb(np)

The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to beta.

integer, intent(in) :: ifixb(np)

The values designating whether the elements of beta are fixed at their input values or not.

integer, intent(in) :: ifixx(ldifx,m)

The values designating whether the elements of delta are fixed at their input values or not.

integer, intent(in) :: ldifx

The leading dimension of array ifixx.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: x(ldx,m)

The independent variable.

integer, intent(in) :: ldx

The leading dimension of array x.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: delta(n,m)

The estimated values of delta.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: xplusd(n,m)

The values of x + delta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: stpd(ldstpd,m)

The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to delta.

integer, intent(in) :: ldstpd

The leading dimension of array stpd.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ssf(np)

The scale used for the betas.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tt(ldtt,m)

The scaling values used for delta.

integer, intent(in) :: ldtt

The leading dimension of array tt.

integer, intent(in) :: neta

The number of accurate digits in the function results.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: fn(n,nq)

The predicted values of the function at the current point.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: stp(n)

The step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to delta.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wrk1(n,m,nq)

A work array of (n, m, nq) elements.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wrk2(n,nq)

A work array of (n, nq) elements.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wrk3(np)

A work array of (np) elements.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: wrk6(n,np,nq)

A work array of (n, np, nq) elements.

real(kind=wp), intent(inout) :: tempret(:,:)

Temporary work array for holding return values before copying to a lower rank array.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fjacb(n,np,nq)

The Jacobian with respect to beta.

logical, intent(in) :: isodr

The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (isodr = .true.) or by OLS (isodr = .false.).

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fjacd(n,m,nq)

The Jacobian with respect to delta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: we1(ldwe,ld2we,nq)

The square roots of the epsilon weights in array we.

integer, intent(in) :: ldwe

The leading dimension of arrays we and we1.

integer, intent(in) :: ld2we

The second dimension of arrays we and we1.

integer, intent(inout) :: njev

The number of Jacobian evaluations.

integer, intent(inout) :: nfev

The number of function evaluations.

integer, intent(out) :: istop

The variable designating that the user wishes the computations stopped.

integer, intent(out) :: info

The variable designating why the computations were stopped.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lower(np)

The lower bound of beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: upper(np)

The upper bound of beta.


proc~~devjac~~CallsGraph proc~devjac devjac interface~ddot ddot proc~devjac->interface~ddot proc~difix difix proc~devjac->proc~difix proc~djaccd djaccd proc~devjac->proc~djaccd proc~djacfd djacfd proc~devjac->proc~djacfd proc~dunpac dunpac proc~devjac->proc~dunpac proc~dwght dwght proc~devjac->proc~dwght proc~derstep derstep proc~djaccd->proc~derstep proc~dhstep dhstep proc~djaccd->proc~dhstep proc~djacfd->proc~derstep proc~djacfd->proc~dhstep interface~dcopy dcopy proc~dunpac->interface~dcopy proc~derstep->proc~dhstep

Called by

proc~~devjac~~CalledByGraph proc~devjac devjac proc~dodmn dodmn proc~dodmn->proc~devjac proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: ideval
integer, public :: j
integer, public :: k
integer, public :: k1
integer, public :: l
logical, public :: ferror

Source Code

   subroutine devjac &
      (fcn, &
       anajac, cdjac, &
       n, m, np, nq, &
       betac, beta, stpb, &
       ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, &
       x, ldx, delta, xplusd, stpd, ldstpd, &
       ssf, tt, ldtt, neta, fn, &
       stp, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk6, tempret, &
       fjacb, isodr, fjacd, we1, ldwe, ld2we, &
       njev, nfev, istop, info, &
       lower, upper)
   !! Compute the weighted Jacobians wrt `beta` and `delta`.
      ! Date Written   860529   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920304   (YYMMDD)

      use odrpack_kinds, only: zero
      use blas_interfaces, only: ddot

      procedure(fcn_t) :: fcn
         !! The user-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.
      logical, intent(in) :: anajac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
         !! (`anajac = .false.`) or not (`anajac = .true.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: cdjac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
         !! (`cdjac = .true.`) or by forward differences (`cdjac = .false.`).
      integer, intent(in) :: n
         !! The number of observations.
      integer, intent(in) :: m
         !! The number of columns of data in the independent variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: np
         !! The number of function parameters.
      integer, intent(in) :: nq
         !! The number of responses per observation.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: betac(np)
         !! The current estimated values of the unfixed `beta`s.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: beta(np)
         !! The function parameters.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: stpb(np)
         !! The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to `beta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ifixb(np)
         !! The values designating whether the elements of `beta` are fixed at their input values or not.
      integer, intent(in) :: ifixx(ldifx, m)
         !! The values designating whether the elements of `delta` are fixed at their input values or not.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldifx
         !! The leading dimension of array `ifixx`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: x(ldx, m)
         !! The independent variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldx
         !! The leading dimension of array `x`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: delta(n, m)
         !! The estimated values of `delta`.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: xplusd(n, m)
         !! The values of `x + delta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: stpd(ldstpd, m)
         !! The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldstpd
         !! The leading dimension of array `stpd`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: ssf(np)
         !! The scale used for the `beta`s.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: tt(ldtt, m)
         !! The scaling values used for `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldtt
         !! The leading dimension of array `tt`.
      integer, intent(in) :: neta
         !! The number of accurate digits in the function results.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: fn(n, nq)
         !! The predicted values of the function at the current point.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: stp(n)
         !! The step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to `delta`.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: wrk1(n, m, nq)
         !! A work array of `(n, m, nq)` elements.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: wrk2(n, nq)
         !! A work array of `(n, nq)` elements.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: wrk3(np)
         !! A work array of `(np)` elements.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: wrk6(n, np, nq)
         !! A work array of `(n, np, nq)` elements.
      real(wp), intent(inout) :: tempret(:, :)
         !! Temporary work array for holding return values before copying to a lower rank array.
      real(wp), intent(out) :: fjacb(n, np, nq)
         !! The Jacobian with respect to `beta`.
      logical, intent(in) :: isodr
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (`isodr = .true.`) or
         !! by OLS (`isodr = .false.`).
      real(wp), intent(out) :: fjacd(n, m, nq)
         !! The Jacobian with respect to `delta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: we1(ldwe, ld2we, nq)
         !! The square roots of the `epsilon` weights in array `we`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldwe
         !! The leading dimension of arrays `we` and `we1`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ld2we
         !! The second dimension of arrays `we` and `we1`.
      integer, intent(inout) :: njev
         !! The number of Jacobian evaluations.
      integer, intent(inout) :: nfev
         !! The number of function evaluations.
      integer, intent(out) :: istop
         !! The variable designating that the user wishes the computations stopped.
      integer, intent(out) :: info
         !! The variable designating why the computations were stopped.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: lower(np)
         !! The lower bound of `beta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: upper(np)
         !! The upper bound of `beta`.

      ! Local scalars
      integer :: ideval, j, k, k1, l
      logical :: ferror

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  ANAJAC:  The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
      !          (ANAJAC=FALSE) or not (ANAJAC=TRUE).
      !  BETA:    The function parameters.
      !  BETAC:   The current estimated values of the unfixed BETA's.
      !  CDJAC:   The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
      !           (CDJAC=TRUE) or by forward differences (CDJAC=FALSE).
      !  DELTA:   The estimated values of DELTA.
      !  FERROR:  The variable designating whether ODRPACK95 detected nonzero values in array DELTA
      !           in the OLS case, and thus whether the user may have overwritten important information
      !           by computing FJACD in the OLS case.
      !  FCN:     The user-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.
      !  FJACB:   The Jacobian with respect to BETA.
      !  FJACD:   The Jacobian with respect to DELTA.
      !  FN:      The predicted values of the function at the current point.
      !  IDEVAL:  The variable designating what computations are to be performed by user-supplied
      !           subroutine FCN.
      !  IFIXB:   The values designating whether the elements of BETA are fixed at their input values or not.
      !  IFIXX:   The values designating whether the elements of DELTA are fixed at their input values or not.
      !  INFO:    The variable designating why the computations were stopped.
      !  ISTOP:   The variable designating that the user wishes the computations stopped.
      !  ISODR:   The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (ISODR=TRUE) or OLS (ISODR=FALSE).
      !  J:       An indexing variable.
      !  K:       An indexing variable.
      !  K1:      An indexing variable.
      !  L:       An indexing variable.
      !  LDIFX:   The leading dimension of array IFIXX.
      !  LDSTPD:  The leading dimension of array STPD.
      !  LDTT:    The leading dimension of array TT.
      !  LDWE:    The leading dimension of arrays WE and WE1.
      !  LDX:     The leading dimension of array X.
      !  LD2WE:   The second dimension of arrays WE and WE1.
      !  M:       The number of columns of data in the independent variable.
      !  N:       The number of observations.
      !  NETA:    The number of accurate digits in the function results.
      !  NFEV:    The number of function evaluations.
      !  NJEV:    The number of Jacobian evaluations.
      !  NP:      The number of function parameters.
      !  NQ:      The number of responses per observation.
      !  SSF:     The scale used for the BETA's.
      !  STP:     The step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to DELTA.
      !  STPB:    The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to BETA.
      !  STPD:    The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to DELTA.
      !  TT:      The scaling values used for DELTA.
      !  WE1:     The square roots of the EPSILON weights in array WE.
      !  WRK1:    A work array of (N by M by NQ) elements.
      !  WRK2:    A work array of (N by NQ) elements.
      !  WRK3:    A work array of (NP) elements.
      !  WRK6:    A work array of (N BY NP BY NQ) elements.
      !  X:       The independent variable.
      !  XPLUSD:  The values of X + DELTA.

      ! Insert current unfixed BETA estimates into BETA
      call dunpac(np, betac, beta, ifixb)

      ! Compute XPLUSD = X + DELTA
      xplusd = x(1:n, :) + delta

      ! Compute the Jacobian wrt the estimated BETAS (FJACB) and the Jacobian wrt DELTA (FJACD)
      istop = 0
      if (isodr) then
         ideval = 110
         ideval = 010
      end if
      if (anajac) then
         call fcn(n, m, np, nq, &
                  n, m, np, &
                  beta, xplusd, &
                  ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, &
                  ideval, wrk2, fjacb, fjacd, &
         if (istop /= 0) then
            njev = njev + 1
         end if
         ! Make sure fixed elements of FJACD are zero
         if (isodr) then
            do l = 1, nq
               call difix(n, m, ifixx, ldifx, fjacd(1, 1, l), n, fjacd(1, 1, l), n)
            end do
         end if
      elseif (cdjac) then
         call djaccd(fcn, &
                     n, m, np, nq, &
                     beta, x, ldx, delta, xplusd, ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, &
                     stpb, stpd, ldstpd, &
                     ssf, tt, ldtt, neta, fn, stp, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk6, &
                     fjacb, isodr, fjacd, nfev, istop, info, &
                     lower, upper)
         call djacfd(fcn, &
                     n, m, np, nq, &
                     beta, x, ldx, delta, xplusd, ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, &
                     stpb, stpd, ldstpd, &
                     ssf, tt, ldtt, neta, fn, stp, wrk1, wrk2, wrk3, wrk6, &
                     fjacb, isodr, fjacd, nfev, istop, info, &
                     lower, upper)
      end if
      if (istop < 0 .or. info >= 10000) then
      elseif (.not. isodr) then
         ! Try to detect whether the user has computed JFACD within FCN in the OLS case
         ferror = ddot(n*m, delta, 1, delta, 1) /= zero
         if (ferror) then
            info = 50300
         end if
      end if

      ! Weight the Jacobian wrt the estimated BETAS
      if (ifixb(1) < 0) then
         do k = 1, np
            call dwght(n, nq, we1, ldwe, ld2we, fjacb(1:n, k, 1:nq), tempret(1:n, 1:nq))
            fjacb(1:n, k, 1:nq) = tempret(1:n, 1:nq)
         end do
         k1 = 0
         do k = 1, np
            if (ifixb(k) >= 1) then
               k1 = k1 + 1
               call dwght(n, nq, we1, ldwe, ld2we, fjacb(1:n, k, 1:nq), tempret(1:n, 1:nq))
               fjacb(1:n, k1, 1:nq) = tempret(1:n, 1:nq)
            end if
         end do
      end if

      ! Weight the Jacobian's wrt DELTA as appropriate
      if (isodr) then
         do j = 1, m
            call dwght(n, nq, we1, ldwe, ld2we, fjacd(1:n, j, 1:nq), tempret(1:n, 1:nq))
            fjacd(1:n, j, 1:nq) = tempret(1:n, 1:nq)
         end do
      end if

   end subroutine devjac