fcn_t Interface

public subroutine fcn_t(n, m, np, nq, ldn, ldm, ldnp, beta, xplusd, ifixb, ifixx, ldifx, ideval, f, fjacb, fjacd, istop)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: n

Number of observations.

integer, intent(in) :: m

Number of columns of data in the independent variable.

integer, intent(in) :: np

Number of function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: nq

Number of responses per observation.

integer, intent(in) :: ldn

Leading dimension declarator equal or exceeding n.

integer, intent(in) :: ldm

Leading dimension declarator equal or exceeding m.

integer, intent(in) :: ldnp

Leading dimension declarator equal or exceeding np.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: beta(np)

Current values of parameters.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: xplusd(ldn,m)

Current value of explanatory variable, i.e., x + delta.

integer, intent(in) :: ifixb(np)

Indicators for "fixing" parameters (beta).

integer, intent(in) :: ifixx(ldifx,m)

Indicators for "fixing" explanatory variable (x).

integer, intent(in) :: ldifx

Leading dimension of array ifixx.

integer, intent(in) :: ideval

Indicator for selecting computation to be performed.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: f(ldn,nq)

Predicted function values.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fjacb(ldn,ldnp,nq)

Jacobian with respect to beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(out) :: fjacd(ldn,ldm,nq)

Jacobian with respect to errors delta.

integer, intent(out) :: istop

Stopping condition, with meaning as follows. 0 means current beta and x+delta were acceptable and values were computed successfully. 1 means current beta and x+delta are not acceptable; 'odrpack' should select values closer to most recently used values if possible. -1 means current beta and x+delta are not acceptable; 'odrpack' should stop.


User-supplied subroutine for evaluating the model.