dppnml Function

public pure function dppnml(p) result(dppnmlr)


  • proc~~dppnml~~UsesGraph proc~dppnml dppnml module~odrpack_kinds odrpack_kinds proc~dppnml->module~odrpack_kinds iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~odrpack_kinds->iso_fortran_env

Compute the percent point function value for the normal (Gaussian) distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and with probability density function:

  `f(x) = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-x^2/2)`


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: p

The probability at which the percent point is to be evaluated. p must lie between 0.0 and 1.0, exclusive.

Return Value real(kind=wp)

Called by

proc~~dppnml~~CalledByGraph proc~dppnml dppnml proc~dppt dppt proc~dppt->proc~dppnml proc~dodpc3 dodpc3 proc~dodpc3->proc~dppt proc~dodpcr dodpcr proc~dodpcr->proc~dodpc3 proc~dodmn dodmn proc~dodmn->proc~dodpcr proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: p0 = -0.322232431088E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: p1 = -1.0E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: p2 = -0.342242088547E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: p3 = -0.204231210245E-1_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: p4 = -0.453642210148E-4_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: q0 = 0.993484626060E-1_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: q1 = 0.588581570495E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: q2 = 0.531103462366E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: q3 = 0.103537752850E0_wp
real(kind=wp), public, parameter :: q4 = 0.38560700634E-2_wp
real(kind=wp), public :: aden
real(kind=wp), public :: anum
real(kind=wp), public :: r
real(kind=wp), public :: t

Source Code

   real(wp) pure function dppnml(p) result(dppnmlr)
   !! Compute the percent point function value for the normal (Gaussian) distribution with
   !!  mean 0 and standard deviation 1, and with probability density function:
   !!       `f(x) = (1/sqrt(2*pi))*exp(-x^2/2)`
      ! Adapted from DATAPAC subroutine TPPF, with modifications to facilitate conversion to
      ! real(wp) automatically.
      ! Routines Called  (NONE)
      ! Date Written   901207   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920304   (YYMMDD)
      !***Author  Filliben, James J.,
      !       Statistical Engineering Division
      !       National Bureau of Standards
      !       Washington, D. C. 20234
      !       (Original Version--June      1972.
      !       (Updated         --September 1975,
      !       November  1975, AND
      !       October   1976.
      !       --The coding as presented below is essentially
      !       identical to that presented by Odeh and Evans
      !       as Algortihm 70 of Applied Statistics.
      !       --As pointed out by Odeh and Evans in Applied
      !       Statistics, their algorithm representes a
      !       substantial improvement over the previously employed
      !       Hastings approximation for the normal percent point
      !       function, with accuracy improving from 4.5*(10**-4)
      !       to 1.5*(10**-8).
      !***References  Odeh and Evans, the Percentage Points of the Normal
      !       Distribution, Algortihm 70, Applied Statistics, 1974,
      !       Pages 96-97.
      !       Evans, Algorithms for Minimal Degree Polynomial and
      !       Rational Approximation, M. Sc. Thesis, 1972,
      !       University of Victoria, B. C., Canada.
      !       Hastings, Approximations for Digital Computers, 1955,
      !       Pages 113, 191, 192.
      !       National Bureau of Standards Applied Mathematics
      !       Series 55, 1964, Page 933, Formula 26.2.23.
      !       Filliben, Simple and Robust Linear Estimation of the
      !       Location Parameter of a Symmetric Distribution
      !       (Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Princeton
      !       University), 1969, Pages 21-44, 229-231.
      !       Filliben, "The Percent Point Function",
      !       (Unpublished Manuscript), 1970, Pages 28-31.
      !       Johnson and Kotz, Continuous Univariate Distributions,
      !       Volume 1, 1970, Pages 40-111.
      !       Kelley Statistical Tables, 1948.
      !       Owen, Handbook of Statistical Tables, 1962, Pages 3-16.
      !       Pearson and Hartley, Biometrika Tables for
      !       Statisticians, Volume 1, 1954, Pages 104-113.

      use odrpack_kinds, only: zero, half, one, two

      real(wp), intent(in) :: p
         !! The probability at which the percent point is to be evaluated. `p` must lie between
         !! 0.0 and 1.0, exclusive.

      ! Local scalars
      real(wp), parameter :: p0 = -0.322232431088E0_wp, &
                             p1 = -1.0E0_wp, &
                             p2 = -0.342242088547E0_wp, &
                             p3 = -0.204231210245E-1_wp, &
                             p4 = -0.453642210148E-4_wp, &
                             q0 = 0.993484626060E-1_wp, &
                             q1 = 0.588581570495E0_wp, &
                             q2 = 0.531103462366E0_wp, &
                             q3 = 0.103537752850E0_wp, &
                             q4 = 0.38560700634E-2_wp
      real(wp) :: aden, anum, r, t

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  ADEN:    A value used in the approximation.
      !  ANUM:    A value used in the approximation.
      !  P:       The probability at which the percent point is to be evaluated. P must be between
      !           0.0E0_wp and 1.0E0_wp, exclusive.
      !  P0:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  P1:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  P2:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  P3:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  P4:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  Q0:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  Q1:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  Q2:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  Q3:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  Q4:      A parameter used in the approximation.
      !  R:       The probability at which the percent point is evaluated.
      !  T:       A value used in the approximation.

      if (p == half) then
         dppnmlr = zero
         r = p
         if (p > half) r = one - r
         t = sqrt(-two*log(r))
         anum = ((((t*p4 + p3)*t + p2)*t + p1)*t + p0)
         aden = ((((t*q4 + q3)*t + q2)*t + q1)*t + q0)
         dppnmlr = t + (anum/aden)
         if (p < half) dppnmlr = -dppnmlr
      end if

   end function dppnml