dodpc1 Subroutine

public impure subroutine dodpc1(ipr, lunrpt, anajac, cdjac, chkjac, initd, restrt, isodr, implct, dovcv, redoj, msgb1, msgb, msgd1, msgd, n, m, np, nq, npp, nnzw, x, ldx, ifixx, ldifx, delta, wd, ldwd, ld2wd, tt, ldtt, stpd, ldstpd, y, ldy, we, ldwe, ld2we, pnlty, beta, ifixb, ssf, stpb, lower, upper, job, neta, taufac, sstol, partol, maxit, wss, wssdel, wsseps)


  • proc~~dodpc1~~UsesGraph proc~dodpc1 dodpc1 module~odrpack_core odrpack_core proc~dodpc1->module~odrpack_core module~odrpack_kinds odrpack_kinds proc~dodpc1->module~odrpack_kinds module~odrpack_core->module~odrpack_kinds iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env module~odrpack_kinds->iso_fortran_env

Generate initial summary report.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: ipr

The value indicating the report to be printed.

integer, intent(in) :: lunrpt

The logical unit number for the computation reports.

logical, intent(in) :: anajac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences (anajac = .false.) or not (anajac = .true.).

logical, intent(in) :: cdjac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences (cdjac = .true.) or forward differences (cdjac = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: chkjac

The variable designating whether the user-supplied Jacobians are to be checked (chkjac = .true.) or not (chkjac = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: initd

The variable designating whether delta is initialized to zero (initd = .true.) or to the values in the first n by m elements of array work (initd = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: restrt

The variable designating whether the call is a restart (restrt = .true.) or not (restrt = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: isodr

The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (isodr = .true.) or by OLS (isodr = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: implct

The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (implct = .true.) or explicit ODR (implct = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: dovcv

The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed (dovcv = .true.) or not (dovcv = .false.).

logical, intent(in) :: redoj

The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for the computation of the covariance matrix (redoj = .true.) or not (redoj = .false.).

integer, intent(in) :: msgb1

The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to beta.

integer, intent(in) :: msgb(nq,np)

The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to beta.

integer, intent(in) :: msgd1

The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to delta.

integer, intent(in) :: msgd(nq,m)

The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to delta.

integer, intent(in) :: n

The number of observations.

integer, intent(in) :: m

The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.

integer, intent(in) :: np

The number of function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: nq

The number of responses per observation.

integer, intent(in) :: npp

The number of function parameters being estimated.

integer, intent(in) :: nnzw

The number of nonzero observational error weights.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: x(ldx,m)

The explanatory variable.

integer, intent(in) :: ldx

The leading dimension of array x.

integer, intent(in) :: ifixx(ldifx,m)

The values designating whether the elements of x are fixed at their input values or not.

integer, intent(in) :: ldifx

The leading dimension of array ifixx.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: delta(n,m)

The estimated errors in the explanatory variables.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: wd(ldwd,ld2wd,m)

The delta weights.

integer, intent(in) :: ldwd

The leading dimension of array wd.

integer, intent(in) :: ld2wd

The second dimension of array wd.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: tt(ldtt,m)

The scaling values for delta.

integer, intent(in) :: ldtt

The leading dimension of array tt.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: stpd(ldstpd,m)

The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to delta.

integer, intent(in) :: ldstpd

The leading dimension of array stpd.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: y(ldy,nq)

The response variable. Unused when the model is implicit.

integer, intent(in) :: ldy

The leading dimension of array y.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: we(ldwe,ld2we,nq)

The epsilon weights.

integer, intent(in) :: ldwe

The leading dimension of array we.

integer, intent(in) :: ld2we

The second dimension of array we.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: pnlty

The penalty parameter for an implicit model.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: beta(np)

The function parameters.

integer, intent(in) :: ifixb(np)

The values designating whether the elements of beta are fixed at their input values or not.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: ssf(np)

The scaling values for beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: stpb(np)

The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: lower(np)

The lower bounds for beta.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: upper(np)

The upper bounds for beta.

integer, intent(in) :: job

The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.

integer, intent(in) :: neta

The number of accurate digits in the function results. A negative value indicates that neta was estimated by 'odrpack'. A positive value indicates the value was supplied by the user.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: taufac

The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: sstol

The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: partol

The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.

integer, intent(in) :: maxit

The maximum number of iterations allowed.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: wss

The sum-of-squares of the weighted epsilons and deltas.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: wssdel

The sum-of-squares of the weighted deltas.

real(kind=wp), intent(in) :: wsseps

The sum-of-squares of the weighted epsilons.


proc~~dodpc1~~CallsGraph proc~dodpc1 dodpc1 proc~dhstep dhstep proc~dodpc1->proc~dhstep

Called by

proc~~dodpc1~~CalledByGraph proc~dodpc1 dodpc1 proc~dodpcr dodpcr proc~dodpcr->proc~dodpc1 proc~dodmn dodmn proc~dodmn->proc~dodpcr proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
real(kind=wp), public :: temp1
real(kind=wp), public :: temp2
real(kind=wp), public :: temp3
integer, public :: i
integer, public :: itemp
integer, public :: j
integer, public :: job1
integer, public :: job2
integer, public :: job3
integer, public :: job4
integer, public :: job5
integer, public :: l
character(len=2), public :: tempc0
character(len=5), public :: tempc1
character(len=13), public :: tempc2

Source Code

   impure subroutine dodpc1 &
      (ipr, lunrpt, &
       anajac, cdjac, chkjac, initd, restrt, isodr, implct, dovcv, redoj, &
       msgb1, msgb, msgd1, msgd, &
       n, m, np, nq, npp, nnzw, &
       x, ldx, ifixx, ldifx, delta, wd, ldwd, ld2wd, tt, ldtt, stpd, ldstpd &
       , y, ldy, we, ldwe, ld2we, pnlty, beta, ifixb, ssf, stpb, lower, &
       upper, job, neta, taufac, sstol, partol, maxit, wss, wssdel, wsseps)
   !! Generate initial summary report.
      ! Routines Called  DHSTEP
      ! Date Written   860529   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920619   (YYMMDD)

      use odrpack_kinds, only: zero
      use odrpack_core, only: dhstep

      integer, intent(in) :: ipr
         !! The value indicating the report to be printed.
      integer, intent(in) :: lunrpt
         !! The logical unit number for the computation reports.
      logical, intent(in) :: anajac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
         !! (`anajac = .false.`) or not (`anajac = .true.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: cdjac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
         !! (`cdjac = .true.`) or forward differences (`cdjac = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: chkjac
         !! The variable designating whether the user-supplied Jacobians are to be checked
         !! (`chkjac = .true.`) or not (`chkjac = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: initd
         !! The variable designating whether `delta` is initialized to zero (`initd = .true.`)
         !! or to the values in the first `n` by `m` elements of array `work` (`initd = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: restrt
         !! The variable designating whether the call is a restart (`restrt = .true.`) or
         !! not (`restrt = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: isodr
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (`isodr = .true.`) or
         !! by OLS (`isodr = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: implct
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (`implct = .true.`)
         !! or explicit ODR (`implct = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: dovcv
         !! The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed
         !! (`dovcv = .true.`) or not (`dovcv = .false.`).
      logical, intent(in) :: redoj
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for the
         !! computation of the covariance matrix (`redoj = .true.`) or not (`redoj = .false.`).
      integer, intent(in) :: msgb1
         !! The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to `beta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: msgb(nq, np)
         !! The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to `beta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: msgd1
         !! The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: msgd(nq, m)
         !! The error checking results for the Jacobian with respect to `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: n
         !! The number of observations.
      integer, intent(in) :: m
         !! The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: np
         !! The number of function parameters.
      integer, intent(in) :: nq
         !! The number of responses per observation.
      integer, intent(in) :: npp
         !! The number of function parameters being estimated.
      integer, intent(in) :: nnzw
         !! The number of nonzero observational error weights.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: x(ldx, m)
         !! The explanatory variable.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldx
         !! The leading dimension of array `x`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ifixx(ldifx, m)
         !! The values designating whether the elements of `x` are fixed at their input values or not.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldifx
         !! The leading dimension of array `ifixx`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: delta(n, m)
         !! The estimated errors in the explanatory variables.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: wd(ldwd, ld2wd, m)
         !! The `delta` weights.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldwd
         !! The leading dimension of array `wd`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ld2wd
         !! The second dimension of array `wd`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: tt(ldtt, m)
         !! The scaling values for `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldtt
         !! The leading dimension of array `tt`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: stpd(ldstpd, m)
         !! The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to `delta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldstpd
         !! The leading dimension of array `stpd`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: y(ldy, nq)
         !! The response variable. Unused when the model is implicit.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldy
         !! The leading dimension of array `y`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: we(ldwe, ld2we, nq)
         !! The `epsilon` weights.
      integer, intent(in) :: ldwe
         !! The leading dimension of array `we`.
      integer, intent(in) :: ld2we
         !! The second dimension of array `we`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: pnlty
         !! The penalty parameter for an implicit model.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: beta(np)
         !! The function parameters.
      integer, intent(in) :: ifixb(np)
         !! The values designating whether the elements of `beta` are fixed at their input values
         !! or not.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: ssf(np)
         !! The scaling values for `beta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: stpb(np)
         !! The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect to `beta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: lower(np)
         !! The lower bounds for `beta`.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: upper(np)
         !! The upper bounds for `beta`.
      integer, intent(in) :: job
         !! The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.
      integer, intent(in) :: neta
         !! The number of accurate digits in the function results. A negative value indicates
         !! that `neta` was estimated by 'odrpack'. A positive value indicates the value was
         !! supplied by the user.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: taufac
         !! The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: sstol
         !! The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: partol
         !! The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.
      integer, intent(in) :: maxit
         !! The maximum number of iterations allowed.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: wss
         !! The sum-of-squares of the weighted `epsilon`s and `delta`s.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: wssdel
         !! The sum-of-squares of the weighted `delta`s.
      real(wp), intent(in) :: wsseps
         !! The sum-of-squares of the weighted `epsilon`s.

      ! Local scalars
      real(wp) :: temp1, temp2, temp3
      integer :: i, itemp, j, job1, job2, job3, job4, job5, l

      ! Local arrays
      character(len=2) :: tempc0
      character(len=5) :: tempc1
      character(len=13) :: tempc2

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  ANAJAC:  The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
      !           (ANAJAC=FALSE) or not (ANAJAC=TRUE).
      !  BETA:    The function parameters.
      !  CDJAC:   The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
      !           (CDJAC=TRUE) or forward differences (CDJAC=FALSE).
      !  CHKJAC:  The variable designating whether the user supplied Jacobians are to be checked
      !           (CHKJAC=TRUE) or not (CHKJAC=FALSE).
      !  DELTA:   The estimated errors in the explanatory variables.
      !  DOVCV:   The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed
      !           (DOVCV=TRUE) or not (DOVCV=FALSE).
      !  I:       An indexing variable.
      !  IFIXB:   The values designating whether the elements of BETA are fixed at their input
      !           values or not.
      !  IFIXX:   The values designating whether the elements of X are fixed at their input
      !           values or not.
      !  IMPLCT:  The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (IMPLCT=TRUE)
      !           or explicit ODR (IMPLCT=FALSE).
      !  INITD:   The variable designating whether DELTA is initialized to zero (INITD=TRUE) or
      !           to the values in the first N by M elements of array WORK (INITD=FALSE).
      !  IPR:     The value indicating the report to be printed.
      !  ISODR:   The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (ISODR=TRUE) or by
      !           OLS (ISODR=FALSE).
      !  ITEMP:   A temporary integer value.
      !  J:       An indexing variable.
      !  JOB:     The variable controling problem initialization and computational method.
      !  JOB1:    The 1st digit (from the left) of variable JOB.
      !  JOB2:    The 2nd digit (from the left) of variable JOB.
      !  JOB3:    The 3rd digit (from the left) of variable JOB.
      !  JOB4:    The 4th digit (from the left) of variable JOB.
      !  JOB5:    The 5th digit (from the left) of variable JOB.
      !  L:       An indexing variable.
      !  LDIFX:   The leading dimension of array IFIXX.
      !  LDTT:    The leading dimension of array TT.
      !  LDWD:    The leading dimension of array WD.
      !  LDWE:    The leading dimension of array WE.
      !  LDX:     The leading dimension of array X.
      !  LDY:     The leading dimension of array Y.
      !  LD2WD:   The second dimension of array WD.
      !  LD2WE:   The second dimension of array WE.
      !  LUNRPT:  The logical unit number for the computation reports.
      !  M:       The number of columns of data in the explanatory variable.
      !  MAXIT:   The maximum number of iterations allowed.
      !  MSGB:    The error checking results for the Jacobian wrt beta.
      !  MSGB1:   The error checking results for the Jacobian wrt BETA.
      !  MSGD:    The error checking results for the Jacobian wrt DELTA.
      !  MSGD1:   The error checking results for the Jacobian wrt DELTA.
      !  N:       The number of observations.
      !  NETA:    The number of accurate digits in the function results. A negative value
      !           indicates that NETA was estimated by ODRPACK. A positive value indictes the
      !           value was supplied by the user.
      !  NNZW:    The number of nonzero observational error weights.
      !  NP:      The number of function parameters.
      !  NPP:     The number of function parameters being estimated.
      !  NQ:      The number of responses per observation.
      !  PARTOL:  The parameter convergence stopping tolerance.
      !  PNLTY:   The penalty parameter for an implicit model.
      !  REDOJ:   The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for
      !           the computation of the covariance matrix (REDOJ=TRUE) or not (REDOJ=FALSE).
      !  RESTRT:  The variable designating whether the call is a restart (RESTRT=TRUE) or
      !           not (RESTRT=FALSE).
      !  SSF:     The scaling values for BETA.
      !  SSTOL:   The sum-of-squares convergence stopping tolerance.
      !  STPB:    The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect
      !           to BETA.
      !  STPD:    The relative step used for computing finite difference derivatives with respect
      !           to DELTA.
      !  TAUFAC:  The factor used to compute the initial trust region diameter.
      !  TEMPC0:  A temporary CHARACTER*2 value.
      !  TEMPC1:  A temporary CHARACTER*5 value.
      !  TEMPC2:  A temporary CHARACTER*13 value.
      !  TEMP1:   A temporary REAL (wp) value.
      !  TEMP2:   A temporary REAL (wp) value.
      !  TEMP3:   A temporary REAL (wp) value.
      !  TT:      The scaling values for DELTA.
      !  WD:      The DELTA weights.
      !  WE:      The EPSILON weights.
      !  WSS:     The sum-of-squares of the weighted EPSILONS and DELTAS.
      !  WSSDEL:  The sum-of-squares of the weighted DELTAS.
      !  WSSEPS:  The sum-of-squares of the weighted EPSILONS.
      !  X:       The explanatory variable.
      !  Y:       The response variable.  Unused when the model is implicit.

      ! Print problem size specification
      write (lunrpt, 1000) n, nnzw, nq, m, np, npp

      ! Print control values
      job1 = job/10000
      job2 = mod(job, 10000)/1000
      job3 = mod(job, 1000)/100
      job4 = mod(job, 100)/10
      job5 = mod(job, 10)
      write (lunrpt, 1100) job
      if (restrt) then
         write (lunrpt, 1110) job1
         write (lunrpt, 1111) job1
      end if
      if (isodr) then
         if (initd) then
            write (lunrpt, 1120) job2
            write (lunrpt, 1121) job2
         end if
         write (lunrpt, 1122) job2, job5
      end if
      if (dovcv) then
         write (lunrpt, 1130) job3
         if (redoj) then
            write (lunrpt, 1131)
            write (lunrpt, 1132)
         end if
         write (lunrpt, 1133) job3
      end if
      if (anajac) then
         write (lunrpt, 1140) job4
         if (chkjac) then
            if (msgb1 >= 1 .or. msgd1 >= 1) then
               write (lunrpt, 1141)
               write (lunrpt, 1142)
            end if
            write (lunrpt, 1143)
         end if
      elseif (cdjac) then
         write (lunrpt, 1144) job4
         write (lunrpt, 1145) job4
      end if
      if (isodr) then
         if (implct) then
            write (lunrpt, 1150) job5
            write (lunrpt, 1151) job5
         end if
         write (lunrpt, 1152) job5
      end if
      if (neta < 0) then
         write (lunrpt, 1200) - neta
         write (lunrpt, 1210) neta
      end if
      write (lunrpt, 1300) taufac

      ! Print stopping criteria
      write (lunrpt, 1400) sstol, partol, maxit

      ! Print initial sum of squares
      if (implct) then
         write (lunrpt, 1500) wssdel
         if (isodr) then
            write (lunrpt, 1510) wss, wsseps, pnlty
         end if
         write (lunrpt, 1600) wss
         if (isodr) then
            write (lunrpt, 1610) wssdel, wsseps
         end if
      end if

      if (ipr >= 2) then

         ! Print function parameter data
         write (lunrpt, 4000)
         if (chkjac .and. &
             ((msgb1 >= 1) .or. &
              (msgd1 >= 1))) then
            write (lunrpt, 4110)
         elseif (anajac) then
            write (lunrpt, 4120)
            write (lunrpt, 4200)
         end if
         do j = 1, np
            if (ifixb(1) < 0) then
               tempc1 = '   NO'
               if (ifixb(j) /= 0) then
                  tempc1 = '   NO'
                  tempc1 = '  YES'
               end if
            end if
            if (anajac) then
               if (chkjac .and. &
                   ((msgb1 >= 1) .or. &
                    (msgd1 >= 1))) then
                  itemp = -1
                  do l = 1, nq
                     itemp = max(itemp, msgb(l, j))
                  end do
                  if (itemp <= -1) then
                     tempc2 = '    UNCHECKED'
                  elseif (itemp == 0) then
                     tempc2 = '     VERIFIED'
                  elseif (itemp >= 1) then
                     tempc2 = ' QUESTIONABLE'
                  end if
                  tempc2 = '             '
               end if
               tempc2 = '             '
            end if
            if (ssf(1) < zero) then
               temp1 = abs(ssf(1))
               temp1 = ssf(j)
            end if
            if (anajac) then
               write (lunrpt, 4310) j, beta(j), tempc1, temp1, lower(j), &
                  upper(j), tempc2
               if (cdjac) then
                  temp2 = dhstep(1, neta, 1, j, stpb, 1)
                  temp2 = dhstep(0, neta, 1, j, stpb, 1)
               end if
               write (lunrpt, 4320) j, beta(j), tempc1, temp1, &
                  lower(j), upper(j), temp2
            end if
         end do

         ! Print explanatory variable data
         if (isodr) then
            write (lunrpt, 2010)
            if (chkjac .and. &
                ((msgb1 >= 1) .or. &
                 (msgd1 >= 1))) then
               write (lunrpt, 2110)
            elseif (anajac) then
               write (lunrpt, 2120)
               write (lunrpt, 2130)
            end if
            write (lunrpt, 2020)
            write (lunrpt, 2140)
         end if
         if (isodr) then
            do j = 1, m
               tempc0 = '1,'
               do i = 1, n, n - 1

                  if (ifixx(1, 1) < 0) then
                     tempc1 = '   NO'
                     if (ldifx == 1) then
                        if (ifixx(1, j) == 0) then
                           tempc1 = '  YES'
                           tempc1 = '   NO'
                        end if
                        if (ifixx(i, j) == 0) then
                           tempc1 = '  YES'
                           tempc1 = '   NO'
                        end if
                     end if
                  end if

                  if (tt(1, 1) < zero) then
                     temp1 = abs(tt(1, 1))
                     if (ldtt == 1) then
                        temp1 = tt(1, j)
                        temp1 = tt(i, j)
                     end if
                  end if

                  if (wd(1, 1, 1) < zero) then
                     temp2 = abs(wd(1, 1, 1))
                     if (ldwd == 1) then
                        if (ld2wd == 1) then
                           temp2 = wd(1, 1, j)
                           temp2 = wd(1, j, j)
                        end if
                        if (ld2wd == 1) then
                           temp2 = wd(i, 1, j)
                           temp2 = wd(i, j, j)
                        end if
                     end if
                  end if

                  if (anajac) then
                     if (chkjac .and. &
                         (((msgb1 >= 1) .or. &
                           (msgd1 >= 1)) .and. &
                          (i == 1))) then
                        itemp = -1
                        do l = 1, nq
                           itemp = max(itemp, msgd(l, j))
                        end do
                        if (itemp <= -1) then
                           tempc2 = '    UNCHECKED'
                        elseif (itemp == 0) then
                           tempc2 = '     VERIFIED'
                        elseif (itemp >= 1) then
                           tempc2 = ' QUESTIONABLE'
                        end if
                        tempc2 = '             '
                     end if
                     if (m <= 9) then
                        write (lunrpt, 5110) &
                           tempc0, j, x(i, j), &
                           delta(i, j), tempc1, temp1, temp2, tempc2
                        write (lunrpt, 5120) &
                           tempc0, j, x(i, j), &
                           delta(i, j), tempc1, temp1, temp2, tempc2
                     end if
                     tempc2 = '             '
                     if (cdjac) then
                        temp3 = dhstep(1, neta, i, j, stpd, ldstpd)
                        temp3 = dhstep(0, neta, i, j, stpd, ldstpd)
                     end if
                     if (m <= 9) then
                        write (lunrpt, 5210) &
                           tempc0, j, x(i, j), &
                           delta(i, j), tempc1, temp1, temp2, temp3
                        write (lunrpt, 5220) &
                           tempc0, j, x(i, j), &
                           delta(i, j), tempc1, temp1, temp2, temp3
                     end if
                  end if

                  tempc0 = 'N,'

               end do
               if (j < m) write (lunrpt, 6000)
            end do

            do j = 1, m
               tempc0 = '1,'
               do i = 1, n, n - 1
                  if (m <= 9) then
                     write (lunrpt, 5110) &
                        tempc0, j, x(i, j)
                     write (lunrpt, 5120) &
                        tempc0, j, x(i, j)
                  end if
                  tempc0 = 'N,'
               end do
               if (j < m) write (lunrpt, 6000)
            end do
         end if

         ! Print response variable data and observation error weights
         if (.not. implct) then
            write (lunrpt, 3000)
            write (lunrpt, 3100)
            do l = 1, nq
               tempc0 = '1,'
               do i = 1, n, n - 1
                  if (we(1, 1, 1) < zero) then
                     temp1 = abs(we(1, 1, 1))
                  elseif (ldwe == 1) then
                     if (ld2we == 1) then
                        temp1 = we(1, 1, l)
                        temp1 = we(1, l, l)
                     end if
                     if (ld2we == 1) then
                        temp1 = we(i, 1, l)
                        temp1 = we(i, l, l)
                     end if
                  end if
                  if (nq <= 9) then
                     write (lunrpt, 5110) &
                        tempc0, l, y(i, l), temp1
                     write (lunrpt, 5120) &
                        tempc0, l, y(i, l), temp1
                  end if
                  tempc0 = 'N,'
               end do
               if (l < nq) write (lunrpt, 6000)
            end do
         end if
      end if

      ! Format statements

1000  format &
         (/' --- Problem Size:'/ &
           '            N = ', I5, &
           '          (number with nonzero weight = ', I5, ')'/ &
           '           NQ = ', I5/ &
           '            M = ', I5/ &
           '           NP = ', I5, &
           '          (number unfixed = ', I5, ')')
1100  format &
         (/' --- Control Values:'/ &
           '          JOB = ', I5.5/ &
           '              = ABCDE, where')
1110  format &
         ('                       A=', I1, ' ==> fit is a restart.')
1111  format &
         ('                       A=', I1, ' ==> fit is not a restart.')
1120  format &
         ('                       B=', I1, ' ==> deltas are initialized', &
          ' to zero.')
1121  format &
         ('                       B=', I1, ' ==> deltas are initialized', &
          ' by user.')
1122  format &
         ('                       B=', I1, ' ==> deltas are fixed at', &
          ' zero since E=', I1, '.')
1130  format &
         ('                       C=', I1, ' ==> covariance matrix will', &
          ' be computed using')
1131  format &
         ('                               derivatives re-', &
          'evaluated at the solution.')
1132  format &
         ('                               derivatives from the', &
          ' last iteration.')
1133  format &
         ('                       C=', I1, ' ==> covariance matrix will', &
          ' not be computed.')
1140  format &
         ('                       D=', I1, ' ==> derivatives are', &
          ' supplied by user.')
1141  format &
         ('                               derivatives were checked.'/ &
          '                               results appear questionable.')
1142  format &
         ('                               derivatives were checked.'/ &
          '                               results appear correct.')
1143  format &
         ('                               derivatives were not', &
          ' checked.')
1144  format &
         ('                       D=', I1, ' ==> derivatives are', &
          ' estimated by central', &
          ' differences.')
1145  format &
         ('                       D=', I1, ' ==> derivatives are', &
          ' estimated by forward', &
          ' differences.')
1150  format &
         ('                       E=', I1, ' ==> method is implicit ODR.')
1151  format &
         ('                       E=', I1, ' ==> method is explicit ODR.')
1152  format &
         ('                       E=', I1, ' ==> method is explicit OLS.')
1200  format &
         ('       NDIGIT = ', I5, '          (estimated by ODRPACK)')
1210  format &
         ('       NDIGIT = ', I5, '          (supplied by user)')
1300  format &
         ('       TAUFAC = ', 1P, E12.2)
1400  format &
         (/' --- Stopping Criteria:'/ &
           '        SSTOL = ', 1P, E12.2, &
           '   (sum of squares stopping tolerance)'/ &
           '       PARTOL = ', 1P, E12.2, &
           '   (parameter stopping tolerance)'/ &
           '        MAXIT = ', I5, &
           '          (maximum number of iterations)')
1500  format &
         (/' --- Initial Sum of Squared Weighted Deltas =', &
           17X, 1P, E17.8)
1510  format &
         ('         Initial Penalty Function Value     =', 1P, E17.8/ &
          '                 Penalty Term               =', 1P, E17.8/ &
          '                 Penalty Parameter          =', 1P, E10.1)
1600  format &
         (/' --- Initial Weighted Sum of Squares        =', &
           17X, 1P, E17.8)
1610  format &
         ('         Sum of Squared Weighted Deltas     =', 1P, E17.8/ &
          '         Sum of Squared Weighted Epsilons   =', 1P, E17.8)
2010  format &
         (/' --- Explanatory Variable and Delta Weight Summary:')
2020  format &
         (/' --- Explanatory Variable Summary:')
2110  format &
         (/'       Index      X(I,J)  DELTA(I,J)    Fixed', &
           '     Scale    Weight    Derivative'/ &
           '                                             ', &
           '                        Assessment'/, &
           '       (I,J)                          (IFIXX)', &
           '    (SCLD)      (WD)              '/)
2120  format &
         (/'       Index      X(I,J)  DELTA(I,J)    Fixed', &
           '     Scale    Weight              '/ &
           '                                             ', &
           '                                  '/, &
           '       (I,J)                          (IFIXX)', &
           '    (SCLD)      (WD)              '/)
2130  format &
         (/'       Index      X(I,J)  DELTA(I,J)    Fixed', &
           '     Scale    Weight    Derivative'/ &
           '                                             ', &
           '                         Step Size'/, &
           '       (I,J)                          (IFIXX)', &
           '    (SCLD)      (WD)        (STPD)'/)
2140  format &
         (/'       Index      X(I,J)'/ &
           '       (I,J)            '/)
3000  format &
         (/' --- Response Variable and Epsilon Error Weight', &
           ' Summary:')
3100  format &
         (/'       Index      Y(I,L)      Weight'/ &
           '       (I,L)                    (WE)'/)
4000  format &
         (/' --- Function Parameter Summary:')
4110  format &
         (/'       Index   BETA(K)    Fixed     Scale   LOWER(K)', &
           '   UPPER(K)    Derivative'/ &
           '                                                    ', &
           '               Assessment'/, &
           '         (K)            (IFIXB)    (SCLB)           ', &
           '                         '/)
4120  format &
         (/'       Index   BETA(K)    Fixed     Scale   LOWER(K)', &
           '   UPPER(K)              '/ &
           '                                                    ', &
           '                         '/, &
           '         (K)            (IFIXB)    (SCLB)           ', &
           '                         '/)
4200  format &
         (/'       Index   BETA(K)    Fixed     Scale   LOWER(K)', &
           '   UPPER(K)    Derivative'/ &
           '                                                    ', &
           '                Step Size'/, &
           '         (K)            (IFIXB)    (SCLB)           ', &
           '                   (STPB)'/)
4310  format &
         (7X, I5, 1P, E10.2, 4X, A5, E10.2, E11.2E3, E11.2E3, 1X, A13)
4320  format &
         (7X, I5, 1P, E10.2, 4X, A5, E10.2, E11.2E3, E11.2E3, 1X, E13.5)
5110  format &
         (9X, A2, I1, 1P, 2E12.3, 4X, A5, 2E10.2, 1X, A13)
5120  format &
         (8X, A2, I2, 1P, 2E12.3, 4X, A5, 2E10.2, 1X, A13)
5210  format &
         (9X, A2, I1, 1P, 2E12.3, 4X, A5, 2E10.2, 1X, E13.5)
5220  format &
         (8X, A2, I2, 1P, 2E12.3, 4X, A5, 2E10.2, 1X, E13.5)
6000  format &
         (' ')
   end subroutine dodpc1