dflags Subroutine

public pure subroutine dflags(job, restrt, initd, dovcv, redoj, anajac, cdjac, chkjac, isodr, implct)

Set flags indicating conditions specified by job.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: job

The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.

logical, intent(out) :: restrt

The variable designating whether the call is a restart (restrt = .true.) or not (restrt = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: initd

The variable designating whether delta is to be initialized to zero (initd = .true.) or to the first n by m elements of array work (initd = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: dovcv

The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed (dovcv = .true.) or not (dovcv = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: redoj

The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for the computation of the covariance matrix (redoj = .true.) or not (redoj = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: anajac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences (anajac = .false.) or not (anajac = .true.).

logical, intent(out) :: cdjac

The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences (cdjac = .true.) or by forward differences (cdjac = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: chkjac

The variable designating whether the user-supplied Jacobians are to be checked (chkjac = .true.) or not (chkjac = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: isodr

The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (isodr = .true.) or by OLS (isodr = .false.).

logical, intent(out) :: implct

The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (implct = .true.) or explicit ODR (implct = .false.).

Called by

proc~~dflags~~CalledByGraph proc~dflags dflags proc~diniwk diniwk proc~diniwk->proc~dflags proc~doddrv doddrv proc~doddrv->proc~dflags proc~doddrv->proc~diniwk proc~dodmn dodmn proc~doddrv->proc~dodmn proc~dodmn->proc~dflags proc~dodpcr dodpcr proc~dodmn->proc~dodpcr proc~dodpcr->proc~dflags proc~dodcnt dodcnt proc~dodcnt->proc~doddrv proc~odr odr proc~odr->proc~dodcnt proc~odr_long_c odr_long_c proc~odr_long_c->proc~odr proc~odr_medium_c odr_medium_c proc~odr_medium_c->proc~odr proc~odr_short_c odr_short_c proc~odr_short_c->proc~odr program~example1 example1 program~example1->proc~odr program~example2 example2 program~example2->proc~odr program~example3 example3 program~example3->proc~odr program~example4 example4 program~example4->proc~odr program~example5 example5 program~example5->proc~odr


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
integer, public :: j

Source Code

   pure subroutine dflags(job, restrt, initd, dovcv, redoj, anajac, cdjac, chkjac, isodr, implct)
   !! Set flags indicating conditions specified by `job`.
      ! Routines Called  (NONE)
      ! Date Written   860529   (YYMMDD)
      ! Revision Date  920304   (YYMMDD)

      integer, intent(in) :: job
         !! The variable controlling problem initialization and computational method.
      logical, intent(out) :: restrt
         !! The variable designating whether the call is a restart (`restrt = .true.`)
         !! or not (`restrt = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: initd
         !! The variable designating whether `delta` is to be initialized to zero (`initd = .true.`)
         !! or to the first `n` by `m` elements of array `work` (`initd = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: dovcv
         !! The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed
         !! (`dovcv = .true.`) or not (`dovcv = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: redoj
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for the
         !! computation of the covariance matrix (`redoj = .true.`) or not (`redoj = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: anajac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
         !! (`anajac = .false.`) or not (`anajac = .true.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: cdjac
         !! The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
         !! (`cdjac = .true.`) or by forward differences (`cdjac = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: chkjac
         !! The variable designating whether the user-supplied Jacobians are to be checked
         !! (`chkjac = .true.`) or not (`chkjac = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: isodr
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (`isodr = .true.`)
         !! or by OLS (`isodr = .false.`).
      logical, intent(out) :: implct
         !! The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (`implct = .true.`)
         !! or explicit ODR (`implct = .false.`).

      ! Local scalars
      integer :: j

      ! Variable Definitions (alphabetically)
      !  ANAJAC:  The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by finite differences
      !           (ANAJAC=FALSE) or not (ANAJAC=TRUE).
      !  CDJAC:   The variable designating whether the Jacobians are computed by central differences
      !           (CDJAC=TRUE) or by forward differences (CDJAC=FALSE).
      !  CHKJAC:  The variable designating whether the user-supplied Jacobians are to be checked
      !           (CHKJAC=TRUE) or not (CHKJAC=FALSE).
      !  DOVCV:   The variable designating whether the covariance matrix is to be computed
      !           (DOVCV=TRUE) or not (DOVCV=FALSE).
      !  IMPLCT:  The variable designating whether the solution is by implicit ODR (IMPLCT=TRUE)
      !           or explicit ODR (IMPLCT=FALSE).
      !  INITD:   The variable designating whether DELTA is to be initialized to zero (INITD=TRUE)
      !           or to the first N by M elements of array WORK (INITD=FALSE).
      !  ISODR:   The variable designating whether the solution is by ODR (ISODR=TRUE) or
      !           by OLS (ISODR=FALSE).
      !  J:       The value of a specific digit of JOB.
      !  JOB:     The variable controling problem initialization and computational method.
      !  REDOJ:   The variable designating whether the Jacobian matrix is to be recomputed for the
      !           computation of the covariance matrix (REDOJ=TRUE) or not (REDOJ=FALSE).
      !  RESTRT:  The variable designating whether the call is a restart (RESTRT=TRUE) or
      !           not (RESTRT=FALSE).

      if (job >= 0) then

         restrt = job >= 10000
         initd = mod(job, 10000)/1000 == 0
         j = mod(job, 1000)/100

         if (j == 0) then
            dovcv = .true.
            redoj = .true.
         elseif (j == 1) then
            dovcv = .true.
            redoj = .false.
            dovcv = .false.
            redoj = .false.
         end if

         j = mod(job, 100)/10
         if (j == 0) then
            anajac = .false.
            cdjac = .false.
            chkjac = .false.
         elseif (j == 1) then
            anajac = .false.
            cdjac = .true.
            chkjac = .false.
         elseif (j == 2) then
            anajac = .true.
            cdjac = .false.
            chkjac = .true.
            anajac = .true.
            cdjac = .false.
            chkjac = .false.
         end if

         j = mod(job, 10)
         if (j == 0) then
            isodr = .true.
            implct = .false.
         elseif (j == 1) then
            isodr = .true.
            implct = .true.
            isodr = .false.
            implct = .false.
         end if


         restrt = .false.
         initd = .true.
         dovcv = .true.
         redoj = .true.
         anajac = .false.
         cdjac = .false.
         chkjac = .false.
         isodr = .true.
         implct = .false.

      end if

   end subroutine dflags