module pbepack_algebra !! Special array types. use pbepack_kinds, only: rk, ZERO implicit none private public:: spmatrix type :: spmatrix !! Symmetric array class. real(rk), allocatable :: ap(:) !! vector with array values in packed storage format integer :: n !! number of rows or columns character(1) :: uplo = "u" !! flag to specify whether the (u)pper or (l)ower triangle is supplied contains procedure, pass(self) :: multvec => spmatrix_multvec procedure, pass(self) :: get => spmatrix_get procedure, pass(self) :: set => spmatrix_set end type spmatrix interface spmatrix module procedure :: spmatrix_init end interface spmatrix contains pure type(spmatrix) function spmatrix_init(n) result(res) !! Initialize `spmatrix` object. integer, intent(in) :: n !! number of rows or columns if (n > 0) then res%n = n else error stop "Invalid 'n'. Valid range: n > 0" end if allocate (res%ap(n*(n + 1)/2)) end function spmatrix_init elemental real(rk) function spmatrix_get(self, i, j) result(res) !! Get value of \( a_{i,j} \). class(spmatrix), intent(in) :: self !! object integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! index res = self%ap(i + j*(j - 1)/2) end function spmatrix_get pure subroutine spmatrix_set(self, i, j, x) !! Set value of \( a_{i,j} = x \). class(spmatrix), intent(inout) :: self !! object integer, intent(in) :: i, j !! index real(rk), intent(in) :: x !! value self%ap(i + j*(j - 1)/2) = x end subroutine spmatrix_set pure function spmatrix_multvec(self, x) result(y) !! Performs the matrix-vector operation: !! ``` !! y:= A*x !! ``` !! where x is an n element vector and A is a n*n symmetric matrix. !! Source: [Lapack]( class(spmatrix), intent(in) :: self !! symmetric array(n,n) real(rk), intent(in) :: x(:) !! vector(n) real(rk) :: y(size(x)) integer :: i, j, k, kk real(rk) :: temp1, temp2 if (self%n /= size(x)) error stop "Dimension mismatch." ! Implemented for upper triangle only associate (ap => self%ap) y = ZERO kk = 1 do j = 1, self%n temp1 = x(j) temp2 = ZERO k = kk do i = 1, j - 1 y(i) = y(i) + temp1*ap(k) temp2 = temp2 + ap(k)*x(i) k = k + 1 end do y(j) = y(j) + temp1*ap(kk + j - 1) + temp2 kk = kk + j end do end associate end function spmatrix_multvec end module pbepack_algebra