aggterm Interface

public interface aggterm


Module Procedures

private function aggterm_init(grid, a, moment, update_a, name) result(self)

Initialize aggterm object. where is the moment of conserved upon aggregation. For example, if denotes particle mass or volume, then , whereas if denotes particle radius or diameter, then .


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
type(grid1), intent(in) :: grid

grid1 object

procedure(afnc_t) :: a

aggregation frequency function,

integer, intent(in), optional :: moment

moment of conserved during aggregation (default=1)

logical, intent(in), optional :: update_a

if true, is reevaluated at each step (default=true)

character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: name

name (default="agg-term")

Return Value type(aggterm)