example_pbe_2d_fv Program


  • program~~example_pbe_2d_fv~~UsesGraph program~example_pbe_2d_fv example_pbe_2d_fv iso_fortran_env iso_fortran_env program~example_pbe_2d_fv->iso_fortran_env module~hrweno_fluxes hrweno_fluxes program~example_pbe_2d_fv->module~hrweno_fluxes module~hrweno_grids hrweno_grids program~example_pbe_2d_fv->module~hrweno_grids module~hrweno_kinds hrweno_kinds program~example_pbe_2d_fv->module~hrweno_kinds module~hrweno_tvdode hrweno_tvdode program~example_pbe_2d_fv->module~hrweno_tvdode module~hrweno_weno hrweno_weno program~example_pbe_2d_fv->module~hrweno_weno omp_lib omp_lib program~example_pbe_2d_fv->omp_lib stdlib_strings stdlib_strings program~example_pbe_2d_fv->stdlib_strings module~hrweno_fluxes->module~hrweno_kinds module~hrweno_grids->module~hrweno_kinds stdlib_optval stdlib_optval module~hrweno_grids->stdlib_optval module~hrweno_kinds->iso_fortran_env module~hrweno_tvdode->module~hrweno_kinds module~hrweno_tvdode->stdlib_optval module~hrweno_weno->module~hrweno_kinds

This program illustrates the application of modules 'hrweno' and 'mstvd' for solving a 2D population balance equation (PBE):

                    d/dt u(x,t) + d/dx1 f1(u(x,t)) + d/dx2 f2(u(x,t)) = 0
                    with f1(u,t) = u
                    with f2(u,t) = u
                    and u(x,t=0) = ic(x)

The internal coordinates 'x=(x1,x2)' are discretized according to a finite-volume approach and the time variable 't' is left continuous (method of lines). See example1 for notation. In this particular example, we use the 3rd order 'mstvd' ode solver. The reconstruction is done with the 5th order WENO scheme; to try other orders, we can change the parameter 'k' below.


program~~example_pbe_2d_fv~~CallsGraph program~example_pbe_2d_fv example_pbe_2d_fv none~integrate~2 mstvd%integrate program~example_pbe_2d_fv->none~integrate~2 none~linear grid1%linear program~example_pbe_2d_fv->none~linear proc~ic ic program~example_pbe_2d_fv->proc~ic proc~output output program~example_pbe_2d_fv->proc~output fu fu none~integrate~2->fu none~integrate rktvd%integrate none~integrate~2->none~integrate optval optval none~linear->optval omp_get_max_threads omp_get_max_threads proc~output->omp_get_max_threads proc~timer timer proc~output->proc~timer to_string to_string proc~output->to_string none~integrate->fu none~integrate->optval


Type Attributes Name Initial
integer, parameter :: nc(2) = [250, 250]
integer, parameter :: k = 3
real(kind=rk) :: u(product(nc))
type(grid1) :: gx(2)
type(weno) :: myweno(2)
type(mstvd) :: ode
real(kind=rk) :: dt
real(kind=rk) :: time
real(kind=rk) :: time_out
real(kind=rk) :: time_start
real(kind=rk) :: time_end
integer :: num_time_points
integer :: ii
integer :: jj


pure function flux1(v, x, t)

Flux function along x1.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: v

function v(z,t)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: x(:)

vector of internal coordinates

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: t


Return Value real(kind=rk)

pure function flux2(v, x, t)

Flux function along x2.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: v

function v(z,t)

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: x(:)

vector of internal coordinates

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: t


Return Value real(kind=rk)

pure function ic(x)

Initial condition. Here we used rectangular pulse in both coordinates.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: x(2)

vector of internal coordinates

Return Value real(kind=rk)


subroutine rhs(t, v, vdot)

This subroutine computes the numerical approximation to the right hand side of:

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: t

time variable

real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: v(:)

vector(N) with v(z,t) values

real(kind=rk), intent(out) :: vdot(:)

vector(N) with v'(z,t) values

subroutine output(action)

Auxiliary routine to save results to file.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, intent(in) :: action

parameter to select output action

subroutine timer(res)

Quick and dirty timer


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(out), optional :: res

Source Code

program example_pbe_2d_fv
!!   This program illustrates the application of modules 'hrweno' and 'mstvd' for solving a 2D
!! population balance equation (PBE):
!!                    d/dt u(x,t) + d/dx1 f1(u(x,t)) + d/dx2 f2(u(x,t)) = 0
!!                    with f1(u,t) = u
!!                    with f2(u,t) = u
!!                    and u(x,t=0) = ic(x)
!!   The internal coordinates 'x=(x1,x2)' are discretized according to a finite-volume approach
!! and the time variable 't' is left continuous (method of lines). See example1 for notation.
!!   In this particular example, we use the 3rd order 'mstvd' ode solver. The reconstruction
!! is done with the 5th order WENO scheme; to try other orders, we can change the parameter 'k'
!! below.
   use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: stderr => error_unit, stdout => output_unit
   use hrweno_kinds, only: rk
   use hrweno_tvdode, only: mstvd
   use hrweno_weno, only: weno
   use hrweno_fluxes, only: godunov
   use hrweno_grids, only: grid1
   use stdlib_strings, only: to_string
   use omp_lib
   implicit none

   integer, parameter :: nc(2) = [250, 250], k = 3
   real(rk) :: u(product(nc))
   type(grid1) :: gx(2)
   type(weno) :: myweno(2)
   type(mstvd) :: ode
   real(rk) :: dt, time, time_out, time_start, time_end
   integer :: num_time_points, ii, jj

   ! OMP settings
   ! call omp_set_num_threads(min(2, omp_get_num_procs()))

   ! Define grids for x1 and x2
   ! In this example, we use linear grids, but any smooth grid can be used
   call gx(1)%linear(xmin=0._rk, xmax=10._rk, ncells=nc(1))
   call gx(2)%linear(xmin=0._rk, xmax=10._rk, ncells=nc(2))

   ! Init weno objects
   myweno(1) = weno(ncells=nc(1), k=k, eps=1e-6_rk)
   myweno(2) = weno(ncells=nc(2), k=k, eps=1e-6_rk)

   ! Open file where results will be stored
   call output(1)

   ! Initial condition u(x,t=0)
   do concurrent(ii=1:nc(1), jj=1:nc(2))
      u((jj - 1)*nc(1) + ii) = ic([gx(1)%center(ii), gx(2)%center(jj)])
   end do

   ! Call ODE time solver
   ode = mstvd(rhs, size(u))

   time_start = 0._rk
   time_end = 5._rk
   dt = 5e-3_rk

   time = time_start
   num_time_points = 100
   do ii = 0, num_time_points
      time_out = time_end*ii/num_time_points
      call ode%integrate(u, time, time_out, dt)
      call output(2)
   end do

   ! End of simulation
   call output(3)


   subroutine rhs(t, v, vdot)
   !! This subroutine computes the *numerical approximation* to the right hand side of:
   !!     du(i,j,t)/dt = -1/dx1(i)*( f1(u(x1(i+1/2),x2(j),t)) - f1(u(x1(i-1/2),x2(j),t)) )
   !!                    -1/dx2(j)*( f2(u(x1(i),x2(j+1/2),t)) - f2(u(x1(i),x2(j-1/2),t)) )
   !!   There are two main steps. First, we use the WENO scheme to obtain the reconstructed
   !! values of 'u' at the left and right cell boundaries along each dimension. Second, we use
   !! a suitable flux method (e.g., Godunov, Lax-Friedrichs) to compute the flux from the
   !! reconstructed 'u' values.
      real(rk), intent(in) :: t
         !! time variable
      real(rk), intent(in) :: v(:)
         !! vector(N) with v(z,t) values
      real(rk), intent(out) :: vdot(:)
         !! vector(N) with v'(z,t) values

      real(rk) :: vl1(nc(1)), vl2(nc(2)), vr1(nc(1)), vr2(nc(2))
      real(rk) :: fedges1(0:nc(1), 0:nc(2)), fedges2(0:nc(2), 0:nc(1))
      integer :: i, j

      ! Fluxes along x1 and x2 at interior cell boundaries
      !$omp parallel
      !$omp do private(vl1, vr1)
      do j = 1, nc(2)
         call myweno(1)%reconstruct(v(1+(j-1)*nc(1):j*nc(1)), vl1, vr1)
         do i = 1, nc(1) - 1
            fedges1(i, j) = godunov(flux1, vr1(i), vl1(i + 1), &
                                    [gx(1)%right(i), gx(2)%center(j)], t)
         end do
      end do
      !$omp end do nowait
      !$omp do private(vl2, vr2)
      do i = 1, nc(1)
         call myweno(2)%reconstruct(v(i:i+(nc(2)-1)*nc(1):nc(1)), vl2, vr2)
         do j = 1, nc(2) - 1
            fedges2(j, i) = godunov(flux2, vr2(j), vl2(j + 1), &
                                    [gx(1)%center(i), gx(2)%right(j)], t)
         end do
      end do
      !$omp end do
      !$omp end parallel

      ! Apply problem-specific flux constraints at domain boundaries
      fedges1(0, :) = 0
      fedges1(nc(1), :) = 0
      fedges2(0, :) = 0
      fedges2(nc(2), :) = 0

      ! Evaluate du/dt
      do concurrent(i=1:nc(1), j=1:nc(2))
         vdot((j - 1)*nc(1) + i) = &
            - (fedges1(i, j) - fedges1(i - 1, j))/gx(1)%width(i) &
            - (fedges2(j, i) - fedges2(j - 1, i))/gx(2)%width(j)
      end do

   end subroutine rhs

   pure real(rk) function flux1(v, x, t)
   !! Flux function along x1.
      real(rk), intent(in) :: v
         !! function v(z,t)
      real(rk), intent(in) :: x(:)
         !! vector of internal coordinates
      real(rk), intent(in) :: t
         !! time

      flux1 = v !*x(1)**2

   end function flux1

   pure real(rk) function flux2(v, x, t)
   !! Flux function along x2.
      real(rk), intent(in) :: v
         !! function v(z,t)
      real(rk), intent(in) :: x(:)
         !! vector of internal coordinates
      real(rk), intent(in) :: t
         !! time

      flux2 = v !*x(1)*x(2)

   end function flux2

   pure real(rk) function ic(x)
   !! Initial condition. Here we used rectangular pulse in both coordinates.
      real(rk), intent(in) :: x(2)
         !! vector of internal coordinates

      if ((x(1) >= 1._rk .and. x(1) <= 3._rk) .and. (x(2) >= 1._rk .and. x(2) <= 3._rk)) then
         ic = 1._rk
         ic = 0._rk
      end if

   end function ic

   subroutine output(action)
   !! Auxiliary routine to save results to file.
      integer, intent(in) :: action
         !! parameter to select output action

      character(*), parameter :: folder = ".\output\example2\"
      real(rk) :: time_elapsed
      integer, save :: funit_x(size(nc)) = 0, funit_u = 0
      integer :: i, j

      select case (action)

         ! Open files and write headers and grid
      case (1)

         write (stdout, '(1x, a)') "Running example2 ..."
         write (stdout, '(1x, a, i3)') "Max # threads: ", omp_get_max_threads()
         ! Write grid
         do concurrent(j=1:size(nc))
            open (newunit=funit_x(j), file=folder//"x"//to_string(j)//".txt", &
                  status="replace", action="write", position="rewind")

            write (funit_x(j), '(a5, 2(1x, a15))') "i", "x(i)", "dx(i)"
            do i = 1, nc(j)
               write (funit_x(j), '(i5, 2(1x, es15.5))') i, gx(j)%center(i), gx(j)%width(i)
            end do
         end do
         call timer()

         ! Write header u
         open (newunit=funit_u, file=folder//"u.txt", status="replace", &
               action="write", position="rewind")

         write (funit_u, '(a16)', advance="no") "t"
         do i = 1, size(u)
            write (funit_u, '(1x, a16)', advance="no") "u("//to_string(i)//")"
         end do
         write (funit_u, *) ""

         ! Write values u(x,t)
      case (2)
         write (funit_u, '(es16.5e3)', advance="no") time
         do i = 1, size(u)
            write (funit_u, '(1x, es16.5e3)', advance="no") u(i)
         end do
         write (funit_u, *) ""

         ! Close files
      case (3)
         do concurrent(j=1:size(nc))
            close (funit_x(j))
         end do
         close (funit_u)
         call timer(time_elapsed)
         write (stdout, '(1x, a, 1x, f5.2)') "Elapsed time (s) :", time_elapsed

      end select

   end subroutine output

   subroutine timer(res)
      !! Quick and dirty timer
      real(rk), intent(out), optional :: res
      real(rk) :: res_
      logical, save :: first_call = .true.
      integer, save :: values_previous(8)
      integer :: values_now(8), delta(8)

      call date_and_time(values=values_now)
      if (first_call) then
         values_previous = values_now
         first_call = .false.
      end if

      delta = values_now - values_previous
      res_ = 1._rk*delta(3)*24*60**2 + 1._rk*delta(5)*60**2 + 1._rk*delta(6)*60 &
            + 1._rk*delta(7) + 1._rk*delta(8)/1000
      if (present(res)) res = res_

   end subroutine

end program example_pbe_2d_fv