ic Function

pure function ic(x)

Initial condition. Here we used rectangular pulse in both coordinates.


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
real(kind=rk), intent(in) :: x(2)

vector of internal coordinates

Return Value real(kind=rk)

Called by

proc~~ic~~CalledByGraph proc~ic ic program~example_pbe_2d_fv example_pbe_2d_fv program~example_pbe_2d_fv->proc~ic

Source Code

   pure real(rk) function ic(x)
   !! Initial condition. Here we used rectangular pulse in both coordinates.
      real(rk), intent(in) :: x(2)
         !! vector of internal coordinates

      if ((x(1) >= 1._rk .and. x(1) <= 3._rk) .and. (x(2) >= 1._rk .and. x(2) <= 3._rk)) then
         ic = 1._rk
         ic = 0._rk
      end if

   end function ic