Implicit orthogonal regression¶
Estimate the parameters of an ellipse from a set of coordinates.
$$\begin{align*} f(\bm{\beta}, \bm{X}) & = \frac{\left[(x-x_0)\cos\theta + (y-y_0)\sin\theta\right]^2}{a^2} \\ & + \frac{\left[(y-y_0)\cos\theta -(x-x_0)\sin\theta\right]^2}{b^2} - 1 = 0 \end{align*}$$
$$ X = (x,y) $$
$$ \bm{\beta} = (x_0, y_0, a, b, \theta) $$
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
import numpy as np
from odrpack import odr
First, we define the observed data and the model function.
# Each row represents a point (x, y) of the ellipse
X = [[0.50, -0.12],
[1.20, -0.60],
[1.60, -1.00],
[1.86, -1.40],
[2.12, -2.54],
[2.36, -3.36],
[2.44, -4.00],
[2.36, -4.75],
[2.06, -5.25],
[1.74, -5.64],
[1.34, -5.97],
[0.90, -6.32],
[-0.28, -6.44],
[-0.78, -6.44],
[-1.36, -6.41],
[-1.90, -6.25],
[-2.50, -5.88],
[-2.88, -5.50],
[-3.18, -5.24],
[-3.44, -4.86]]
# We need shape (2, n)
X = np.array(X).T
# Y is not used, but is (currently) required by odr
Y = np.full(X.shape[-1], np.nan)
def f(beta: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
x0, y0, a, b, theta = beta
x, y = X
return ((x - x0)*np.cos(theta) + (y - y0)*np.sin(theta))**2 / a**2 \
+ ((y - y0)*np.cos(theta) - (x - x0)*np.sin(theta))**2 / b**2 \
- 1
Then, we define a plausible initial guess $\bm{\beta_0}$ for the model parameters, as well as the corresponding bounds.
beta0 = np.array([0., 0., 1., 1., 0.])
lower = np.array([-1e2, -1e2, 0., 0., -np.pi/2.])
upper = np.array([+1e2, +1e2, 1e2, 1e2, +np.pi/2])
Here, we expect the measurement error to be the same across both $X$ coordinates, so a special weighting scheme is unnecessary.
wd = 1.
We can now launch the regression! As the problem is implicit, we set job=1
. If you want to see a brief computation report, set iprint=1001
sol = odr(f, beta0, Y, X, lower=lower, upper=upper, wd=wd, job=1)
The result is packed in a OdrResult
dataclass. Let's check the solution convergence and the estimated model parameters.
'Parameter convergence.'
array([-0.99938378, -2.93104604, 3.86422941, 3.15663853, -0.90359002])
All fine! Let's plot the solution.
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
# Plot observed data
ax.plot(*X, 'o')
# Plot fitted ellipse
x0, y0, a, b, theta = sol.beta
ellipse = Ellipse((x0, y0), width=2*a, height=2*b, angle=np.degrees(theta),
facecolor='none', edgecolor='orange', linewidth=2)
Text(0, 0.5, 'y')